Chapter 128

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Three months later

"I'm on my way to mine and Liam's house, I have a few things I need" I tell my mum as I walk out her house.
"I'm so proud of you baby and your dad's proud too hunny" she says and I roll my eyes at the mention of his name. He's not happy I'm back with or waiting for Liam.
No one still is apart from Sian, Steve and Liam's mum. I still don't talk to Mia which I'm fine with but I heard she's not doing so good. Karma..
I'm happy, I'm thriving, life's good.. Accept Liam being inside I have everyone I need in my life. Life's good!
"Thanks mum. I'll see you soon" I call out and leave the house.
Climbing into Liam's car that I still drive to be close to him, I pull off and see what I can find in my home from home.

Walking up the path I stand at the door feeling anxious as fuck and my hand shakes as I try to unlock the door. Hearing the lock unclick I take a deep steady breath and push the door open and I'm hit with the smell of our home. I've missed this place.
It makes me sad that we're not living here together but I'm still happy. I have everything that I want.
Walking through the house I smile remembering the things that we did. Happy times..
I make my way up the stairs and into our bedroom and sit on the bed running my hands along the covers.
"I wish you was here baby" I say to myself out loud staring at a picture of us on the wall. Feeling myself getting emotional I stand and leave making my way to the dressing room. My room Liam made me. I stand at the door with my hand on the door handle. I can do this. Pushing the door open I instantly smile wide. I love this room, my safe haven. Sitting at my vanity I look at myself in the mirror and smile. I look happy, glowing even there's something different about myself and I love it. Suddenly remembering why I'm here I scoot my chair back and get on the floor looking underneath the vanity and find a painted sign that says 'queen' on the wall and the corners curled up so I peel it off and find soo much money I can't believe my eyes. Oh my fucking god!
Shuffling through I find an envelope and look at it. Reading 'Surprise' written onit in Liam's handwriting I sit back on my knees and start to read.

Hello baby
If your reading this letter then you've done as I've asked and that makes me over the fucking moon that you actually listened to me.. Thank you!
You will find 100k with this letter and it's all yours. I know what your thinking.. Its a 100k Liam.. Am I crazy? Yes.. Yes I am crazy in love with you baby.
This money is for you to spend it on whatever you want. You wanna go shopping and look even more sexier, you do it baby. You wana save it for your future.. You can. It's your money now and I want you to be happy and have whatever your heart desires beautiful because you deserve it!
Just remember that whatever happens in life you'll always be my endgame.. My future wife.. My Stacey Johnson. I love you baby and have some fun. Chin up as Sian would say and show everyone that beautiful smile.
Yours Always and Forever Liam XXXXX

"I love you Liam Johnson! Your crazy. But I love it" I say shaking my head smile on my face.
Putting the letter on the vanity I crawl back under and start pulling out the rolled up bundles. I can't believe he saved 100k and he's just gonna give it to me. My selfless baby I thought with a smile.

Putting all the money into my weekend bag I stick the queen sign back to cover the hole for now and I stand up. Grabbing the letter and placing it in my purse, I look around the room with one last smile and walk back down the stairs and into the living room.
Pulling out a prerolled spliff I spark it looking at a picture of us on the wall. Suddenly jumping at my phone ringing I answer it quickly knowing it's Liam this time.
"Hey baby, perfect timing" I laugh to myself. He's just perfect.
"Why what you doing baby?" he says and I melt finally hearing his voice again.
"I'm currently sat in our home smoking, I wish you was here with me" I tell him and sigh not wanting to go down that road but it's hard not to.
"No sighing, it's a good thing that your there, so tell me queen, did you find my surprise?" he asks me and I know he's talking about the money.
"Oh my god yes. Your fucking crazy baby!" I excliam and laugh again.
"Crazy inlove with you Stacey Johnson" he groans and my heart starts to beat quicker.
"I'm seeing you tomorrow baby, I'm so fucking excited, I love you soo much for this" I tell him and I can tell he's smiling.
"I know baby I can't wait to see you either, highlight of this place is seeing you. Just keep spreading them wings beautiful, never stop flying" he tells me and I smile
"I promise I won't, do you need anything sending into you while I'm here?" I ask him thinking of his stuff checking things off in my head.
"If you think I need it, send it baby, what you bringing tomorrow?" he asks me knowing I take him a baked good everytime I go.
"What do you want?" I ask him and he sighs.
"My chocolate, peanut butter cups please baby, I miss them" he says clearly thinking about them and I smile.
"Absolutely, I'll make them when I get home. My new home from home. My new kitchen Liam! I enjoy baking for you" I tell him and he laughs.
"I like the sound of that because you will come home one day baby I love you more than anything" he tells me and I instantly feel sad.. He's going..
"I love you too baby more than anything always" I tell him feel emotional.
"Be happy and keep smiling, I'll see you tomorrow beautiful" he tells me and I perk up hearing the positivity and happiness in his voice.
"Yesss! I miss you baby see you soon mwah" I tell him smiling and he groans.
"I miss you too baby, bye" he says and we hang up.
I can't wait to see him tomorrow. I jump up feeling happy and leave out the door locking up thinking I will be back one day. With him.. I can promise myself that.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now