Season 1 - Chapter 1 (EN)

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Concentrated, with piles of paper lined up along my huge wooden desk, I dive into a file that has been giving me a hard time.

Like always, I chew on the end of my poor blue pen. It didn't do anything wrong to deserve such mistreatment, but it's much more useful for calming my nerves than for writing.

Why oh why can't the accounts just be right? I have searched and recalculated a thousand times, but it's still wrong.

It's already late, judging by the darkness outside, but I don't want to give up.

I cannot afford to mess up my numbers. It's simply not possible.

I heard the whispers when my promotion was announced. I get it, I mean, it's not common to be named Chief Financial Officer when you haven't even turned 30.

That's why I am committed to proving, especially to my boss Ryan, that I am up to the job. I have to show him he didn't make a mistake.

And tonight is no exception. I watched all my colleagues leaving the office, and now I'm the only one on the floor, totally absorbed in my search.

"You ready?"

I jump. I lift my head to see Ashton, leaning against the door frame looking impatient.

Shoot! Yet again, I completely lost track of time.

"Still on the hunt for millions of dollars?"

I notice the irony in his voice, but I'm too annoyed to think of a witty comeback.

"I can search all I want, but the accounts are off."

It's making me so angry!

"Maybe you made a mistake? You know, just a single decimal point out of place or a plus sign instead of a minus... It can change everything."

I do my best to stay calm and take a deep breath before I continue:

"Numbers are like books, everything is written in black and white. I can recalculate and check everything as many times as I like, the problem is still there."

"I don't doubt your abilities, but maybe you're just missing a few key things."

"That's what I think too, and I did notice a fiscal issue with the Russian firm. I need to look into that a little deeper."

"Whatever the case, do you think you can dig deeper tomorrow?"

"Do you have something planned or what?"

I lift a suspicious eyebrow. It's been years since Ashton had anything planned.

So why is he suddenly in such a hurry?

Did something bad happen?

His face is serious and it's not a good sign. But I hope I'm mistaken.

Maybe he's sick of me finishing so late?

Usually it doesn't bother him when I'm working. He stops by the office on his way out, kisses me on the forehead and wishes me a goodnight.

What kind of couples say "goodnight" at the office when they share the same bed?

Our kind of couple. I don't really like that things are this way, but that's how it is... Well, that's how it's become.

But tonight Ashton seems... different. Has he prepared a surprise for me or what?

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