The day that the world changed forever

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I remember when life use to be so simple, no reason to be afraid of what we did not know or see. Walking the streets without knowing of the creatures lurking around the corners, of the people being killed by them.

We had no reason to know of our negative emotions creating such vile things, the people saving us from being killed by them, were nothing but helpers in 'toxic gas's' situations, or others..
Point is, we thought they were just freak accidents, not those unknown beings called curses, let's go back to what I was saying before I went on a rant.


Life was easy then at that time, so simple, but it is a pretty dream to us now, that we wish to go back to.
At the age of seven, I remember the screaming going on outside as my parents hugged me tighter to protect me, trying to block the retched screams of murder out of my ears.

We used to live such a happy life, for it to take a sudden turn, all we could do was run and hide till help arrived.
We hid in a dark corner away from our house, as those creatures that scarred my dreams, now destroy the place, breaking the walls, tearing the drawings of our little fridge, as my life changed from then on.

We got found by these 'sorcerers' eventually, though my parents didn't trust them, blaming them for the things that are happening, not listening to their words, while I a kid that trusts strangers too easily, wiggles out of my mothers grip on me, I make my way to the two 'sorcerers'. My parents try to call me back to our 'safe' hiding spot, but as I turn back to my family, a big monster's hand appears, then blood splatters as the creature disappears back into the wall with what ever was left in its grasp, only leaving the blood of my parents.

I guess you could say that my dumb too easily trusting nature saved me from the same death as my mother and father.

Grabbing my small hand, they take me away from the bloody scene, as the blood slowly stains my clothes red.
They smile sadly at me as they carefully watch their surroundings for curses, they aren't strong enough to defeat anything over grade 2, their mission was only to bring survivors to a safer part of the city.

Finally arriving at a group of maybe 50 to 80 people, they go to scout out for anyone else in that has survived in this bloodshed so far, but they were sliced in two before they could walk too far from us, creating chaos within the group.

As I look up to a person with round sunglasses, the most beautiful blue eyes floating next to him, though the blood on his hands and the suffocating air around him makes me cower. So I hide further in the crowd.
I shake as everything's slowly catching up to me, as I quietly let my tears fall down my face, I grip on a lady's long skirt to keep myself balanced.

He say words so sweet yet so sour, a deal of sorts that I could not hear, the other sorcerers gather outside to protect us, even though they know they have no chance..


Years later this is where we stand, worshiping a curse with powers that cannot compare to anyone else, 'he' has gotten stronger since that time nine years ago, claiming himself to be a god. And we have no other choice but to praise him.

Sorcerers are scarce nowadays, because most of them have the bad luck of meeting him when their not strong enough.

We could have sacrificed ourselves to save them, so they can get stronger and defeat him years later, but they would be too weak to help us anyway. We live our lives in fear, as our every move is being watched by what we call 'god', also known as the strongest curse to live. The Six Eyed Curse, undefeated and unscathed by sorcerers.

I walk the streets to buy groceries for breakfast, I step into the old store, passing the small grade four curses eating at a rotten corpse, as I get eggs.

Once I got all I needed I payed the employee and left, walking back from where I came from.

I See a group of people gathering around the rich looking shrine "it's him again, huh? What's he going to say this time.." I thought as I merge with the crowd, knowing that he will either kill me for walking away, or keep his eyes on me, and no one wants that.

He walks out of his little paradise, meant for a god, which is him...


—————————————————————————————————————GOJO SATORU—————————————————————————————————————-

We never knew were he came from, but all we know is that we must listen to him, or our lives will be finished.

He makes his way with a smile so innocent yet it hides sinister intentions, he sits down on his throne like chair in front of the crowd as he talks on and on about so many unnecessary things.

"Now then... let's get down to business~" he says as he closes his eyes, including the six's eyes floating behind him, his smile turning creepier by the second.
"I wanna do things that you humans do for fun, any suggestions? Maybe a beautiful woman to toy with~" the curse opens his eyes, as he giggles heartlessly, this is nothing but a game to him, his greed will never be satisfied, he will always ask for more and we can only give it to him.

Gojo merely scans the crowd as the women try to hide themselves, the husbands hide their wives away from his sight, even their daughters.
As I watch with anger, keeping my face void of the emotions I feel.

squinting his eyes, the curse hums as he looks at the married woman with pretty eyes and long hair.
Stepping in front of the woman was her husband, as he hides his shaking wife, Gojo just waves his hand for him to move out of the way, though it only angers the man.

"DON'T EVEN THINK OF TAKING MY WIFE AWAY FROM ME!" That man made a mistake, he should of just stayed quiet, I look away from them, hearing blood being splattered on the ground. I clench my fist, as I try to calmly breathe as I see other people and children shake from fear,

Once our 'god' killed the man, the woman weeps from the loss of her husband. "Too bad, he should of kept his mouth shut~, besides a woman after marriage is no fun for me" He gives the signal for all of us to leave, he watches all the people scatter and leave.

I sigh at the thought of the poor person that has to clean this bloody mess out as I left the scene, bags in hand, I go to my house.
Not knowing that the strongest curse observing me, from his throne.


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