Chapter 2

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Dawns P.O.V

I was looking for my brother in the woods and I got lost. I couldn't ever find my brother or my home. I wonder if people are looking for me. But I'm determined to find my brother. We have a secret no one will ever know. Me and my brother love each other and want to be together forever. We had sex the day before he went missing. I was really sad so I went looking for him. I haven't found him yet but I know I will. Last place he was is playing at his secret hide out but he's not their. I hope he's alive because if he's dead I'm just going to kill myself. I cannot live without him. I just found a cabin in the middle of the woods!! "Nick are you in their please be in their." It's a abandoned cabin no ones in their. "Shit" I'm not giving up though. I'm going to find him!! I'm determined to find him. I've been missing for a couple weeks now. I don't think anyone's looking for us. Maybe the noises I have been hearing is apart of this! I hope he is alive and not dead. He is the only thing I live for. I really love and miss him. I also love and miss my mom she is a great mom. I just heard a voice! I think it's Nick!! I run to the notice and all it was a little kid playing in the woods! "Damn it" I thought it was Nick. I have faith that I will see Nick again and that he will be alive. I just want to find him and go home. I just want to get out of here but I'm not leaving until I find Nick! I just miss my brother!! Also my family, I miss moms cooking it was the best ever!! I wonder if mom is hurt because I'm sure someone would be looking for us right now. I hope someone is looking for us. If they find me I'm not going anywhere until I find my brother. I'm so sorry Nick I should of been their for you and not with my asshole boyfriend. I just wanted to make people think I'm not a gay person. Even though I am a gay person but they don't know that. Nick if your messing with me I'm going to kill you!! Come out if your hiding because if you scare me I will kill you!! I will say you are missing and that I can't find you!!! No one will ever see you again!! I just hope your not dead. I hope I will see you again and mom. Mom is the best mom ever and I love her and if we don't make it I hope she knows I love her. I also love you and don't want anything to happen to y'all.

Hope you like it and I update as soon as I can. Please vote and comment. Sorry it's not long but I'm new at this.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Mar 12, 2015 ⏰

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