Chapter 129

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Today's the day I get to see my baby again. It feels way to far apart but what can I do? I'm just grateful the bakerys up and running.
I sit in the waiting area of the prison with the box of chocolates he wanted and look casual this time. I don't want to constantly tease. It's unfair.

 It's unfair

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"Ready.. Johnson, Smith and Pokelski" the guard calls and I stand up grabbing my stuff and walk over to him with the other two women who look me over.
Following him through like normal I'm seated and I wait for Liam to be brought out. Soon as the door opens I stand and look for my baby. I see him and we lock eyes and he comes rushing over to me and kisses me.
"Fuck, I've missed you baby" he says and kisses me again.
"Johnson, sit before your taken back" a miserable guard says and we both sigh. What a dick!
"I'm sorry baby, you look glowing what's new?" he asks sitting down across from me smiling. I've missed his face so much..
"As you know the bakerys doing well and I'm so happy with that. I actually need to hire someone and maybe train them up too, I haven't decided" I tell him grinning and he just stares at me.
"What's wrong?" I ask him face dropping.
"Nothing baby, your perfect and the way you light up when you talk about your bakery makes me so proud of you. Your spreading your wings and thriving hard" he tells me cheerfully with a big grin. It's good to see his beautiful smile too.
"You look fucking sexy baby, every time I see you I want you more and more" he groans and I clench my thighs.
"Thanks baby, I thought I'd dial it down from the last few times, you keep getting into trouble" I say chuckling and he shrugs
"How are things going for you?" I ask him needing to know he's OK and I watch him start to eat at his chocolates to avoid the conversation.
"Baby, please.. We don't hide things you know that" I tell him reaching out for his hand needing to feel him.
"I won't lie, something happens near enough everyday" he says sighing and looks away from me.
"I'm sorry baby, I wish I could take you out of this place, but the times going fast, can you hold on for me" I aak him with a small smile.
"I'm scared of having no choice but to do something that will get me longer, I can't do longer" he tells me putting his head into his hands and I run my hand through his hair soothingly.
"Baby, it's gonna be OK. Like I told you before I'll wait for you, no matter how long it takes. I love you" I tell him honestly. He is my king.. The king of my heart always.
"I love you baby, so much and what your doing means more than you'd know. Keep going and only look forward beautiful" he tells me with a smile. And just like that he's happy again. He's throwing me off. I can't read him in this place and I don't know how he's really feeling. He seems positive and happy for me. But in himself he seems a little on edge. Tense even.. I'm not sure?
"I'd do this for 10 years if I had to Liam it means nothing as long as where together. I love you baby" I tell him and he smiles at me.
"Thankyou baby.. But no. The time I'm doing already is to long for you to be waiting. I won't put you through that" he says shaking his head.
"Whether you liked it or not I'd wait Liam" I tell him. I'm 18 nearly 19. What's 10years really? I will be Stacey Johnson!
I can live my dream until that day and he will find me like a king would.
"Baby, just please, live your life and be happy that's all I want" he says and leans forward to kiss me.
"I see you've been working out too" I say swaying the conversation to something he clearly enjoys.
"Yeah, do you like it?" he asks lifting up his t-shirt and showing me his body.
Biting my lip he smirks at me.
"I love it baby, whatever keeps you busy" I tell him as I watch him lick his lips at me. Shit he's fucking hot. I want him so bad.. I clench my thighs and he watches me fidgit. Fuck I need a release soon.
"I'll be calling you later baby, I wana hear you use your b.o.b" - battery operated boyfriend.
"I'll be waiting.. 7pm sharp. Don't keep me waiting" I tell him pointing a finger and he smirks.
"I'll be on time, don't you worry about that" he says winking at me and I blush.
"I can't wait to hear you moan my name, fuck" he groans licking his lips.
"Enough of that, I'm worried about you baby" I tell him and he sighs
"Drop it please, for me" he says begging me with his beautiful eyes. I can't help but want to do what he says but I need to know that when I leave him, he's gonna be OK..
"Baby, I can't" I tell him and he sighs again heavily looking defeated
"I hate it here, you coming here.. I can see them all eating you up and it's driving me to rip through the whole lot" he exclaims and I sigh holding myself.. Hiding.
"I'll wear more clothes next time. I'm sorry" I tell him sadly.
"You wear what you want beautiful, and I've told you before please stop apologising for things that aren't your fault" he says and reaches for me.
"Thank you baby I love you" I tell him with a smile.
"Is that your only issue baby? Nothing else on your mind" I ask him and he nods with a small smile.
"Times up everybody" the guard cals out and I jump up with Liam and hug him hard. I've been waiting to touch him again..
"I love you baby, so much stay safe and be good. I'm doing OK if your are" I tell him and he nods holding me tighter.
"I love you too beautiful, I'm always good as long as your happy, and I do try I promise" he says into my ear and I smile happy. Because I am happy and somehow that makes me feel even better. I'll just miss him.. Thinking and hoping that my baby will be good like he said.
Pulling apart he kisses me holding my cheeks and slides his tongue into my mouth and I moan into his mouth. Shit I've missed him.
I suck on his tongue and he groans so I pull him closer to my body and I feel how hard he is. Fuck!
"So sexy I love it, I love you" he says and I blush pulling apart.
"I love you so much, I'll see you soon baby" I tell him as he walks away and through the door. I miss him already.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now