Chapter 1: Breathe

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It's funny just how life turns out at times, isn't it? One day you're lost, cold, and alone. Depression and pain were the only things that you could feel, and the air thick with suffering. Suffocating to breathe. Then, in the next moment everything vanishes, just when you thought the nightmares were here to stay. The pain is replaced with unimaginable happiness, and absolute contentment. Warmth and love, make residence in your heart, and chase away the hurt that once invaded it.

"Babe," comes the voice of the man that lay underneath me, effectively snapping me out of my thoughts, followed by gentle strokes on my bare arms. The skin-to-skin contact made delightful shivers run through my body.

"Hmm?" I respond, tilting my head up so I can look at the face of the man I call mine. I look to find soft eyes already looking at me, a gentle smile already upon his face, stubble gracing his features, and his hair in a ruffled mess, but he managed to make such untidiness look sexy as hell. My eyes have been blessed.

"What were you thinking about?" He asks, his voice husky and rugged, giving away that he had just woken up. He continued stroking my arm with his one hand, occasionally drawing circles on it, as his other was secured around my waist, holding me firmly to his hard chest, hence making me feel safe.

Huh, safe. As if I was never safe with him? Safety comes as a guarantee when you are dating a cop.

I chuckle at my thoughts, making him confused. "Nothing much, babe. Just thinking about how lucky I am to have you." I explain, earning a smile from him before he pulls me closer to his chest, planting a soft, long kiss on my lips. He then went on to give me multiple pecks that seemed to merge and become the ultimate show of endearment. I loved it when he did that.

With one last lasting kiss, he pulled away, looking me in the eyes as though he was searching my soul, whilst his brown eyes brewed emotions behind them that I could only describe as love.

"I'm the lucky one. I love you."

"I love you too," I respond. As if the kisses that he had already given me weren't enough, he leans down once more and pecks me again.

With that, he jumps out of bed, the prude side of me blushing when I see him stark naked. We have been together for almost two years now, and we've slept together countless times, and yet whenever I see him this way, it always feels like the first time. His body is so perfect that I just want to jump his-

Squeaking at my thoughts, I hide underneath the covers, hiding my red, flushed face from him, as though he could read my thoughts. At times, it's as if he really could. I hear a chuckle coming from him, only deepening the red on my cheeks.

He knows.

I hear him shuffling around, probably putting something on before I hear his footsteps slowly move from the other side of the bed to where I was, like a predator hunting down its prey.

Silence, dread, and thrill all at the same time. The emotions were exciting, peaking a certain urge in me. That was all before I felt the hot sensation of his breath on my ear, yet again causing an outburst of delightful shivers and one shakey gasp.

"You know ...." He starts, in his husky- fucking sexy voice that he knows gets me weak in the knees, "I don't have to go to work." With that, he bites my ear, making me release a breathy moan.

My eyes widen as I slap a hand on my mouth as if that would reverse what had already been released, earning yet another laugh from him.

"Leave!" I flip the blankets off, playfully chasing him away, only causing him to laugh harder as he attempts to kiss me once more, but I wasn't having it. "Leave, Jonathan Walters!"

*Plus-minus an hour later*

"I'm on my way, Stevens'- You have a lead? When?" I faintly listened to the half-sided conversation Nathan was having on the phone with his partner, Tom Stevens, as I continued to eat. It had been five minutes since he'd been on the phone, and he had to leave in a few more. Couldn't his work wait until he was out of the door for them to start bothering him?

I hated it when he was on call whilst eating because that's the time when we can actually talk without him coaxing me into pillow talk. His work consumes most of his time already, was it too much to ask him for just these minutes with me?

Downsides of dating a detective.

I glare at him. Maybe then he'll realize the depth of the matter. His eyes meet mine and he visibly flinches, his expression turning sour before he speaks once more to the person on the other side.

"Look, Stevens, I'll talk to you in a few, man. Yeah.... Okay." He says before switching off his phone and showing me the ended call, immediately bringing a smile to my face.

"Thank you."

He smiled as well, for a brief moment before his face was contoured into a solemn expression, visibly showing that there was something bothering him.

"What's the matter?" I ask, reaching out to grab his hand that was on top of the table. This seems to snap his attention back as he forces a smile on his face for me

"Oh, it's nothing, " He says, and I shrug, accepting it as his answer. He only refuses now, but in 5 seconds he'll be blurting everything out to me. That's just how he is.


"It's just that," he begins.

Wow, that was quicker than normal. Whatever it is must be really bothering him.

"Remember the recent murder of the barber downtown that I told you about?"  He asks and I nod, recalling him telling me of the gruesome scene that he had come across last week or so, where the barber had been beaten up pretty badly before being skinned off his forehead, but the skin was never found at the scene.

"Yeah, well, the autopsy came back, and it turns out that the guy was skinned alive." I cringe at the information, effectively losing my appetite as I push my plate away from me, but Nathan doesn't notice, too engrossed in his "cop mode" to realize.

"According to people who knew him, he had a tattoo right on his forehead. Same tattoo that I had seen not so long ago on another case I was working on. Some poor bastards who are believed to be part of a gang had been done the same thing; beaten up before being skinned certain parts of their bodies. Parts that are said to have contained tattoos."

"So you think these might be related?" I ask, now interested, regardless of how sinister, twisted, and downright painful it sounds.

"Probably." He nods, once again getting lost in his own thoughts. "I think I might be onto him again. I can't let him get away this time, he has been free for too long. And if anybody has to make the bust, it's going to be me. The bastard will be locked away, and I'll have the key thrown so far that he'll forget what daylight is." Nathan rambles to himself, his tone full of hate and determination, and it kind of surprises me to see this side of him.

"Who are you talking about?" I dared to ask, snapping him out of his thoughts to look straight into my eyes, his eyes full of despise just from the mere mention of whoever he was talking about.

"The man responsible for all the murders.  The monster that I've been trying to catch for years now. Dean Cage."

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