Chapter 131

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Two months later

Hello baby
I'm sorry you haven't seen me but you won't like how I look. Plus I was down the hole. I need to see you as I have something to talk about will you see me please?
I know I don't deserve you coming but I need to see you baby, I'm missing you so much, I'm soo sad not seeing your perfect face beautiful..
I'll understand if you don't come but I hope you do. Things are happening out of my control so I NEED to see you baby one last time at least.
I love you soo much my Stacey.
Yours Always and Forever.

I sit there on my bed crying holding his letter thanking God that he's OK.
I wipe my never ending tears and pull out my notepad.

Are you fucking crazy?
You dissappeared on me again. And everything was going so well when I last seen you.. What fucking happened? And don't fucking lie to me Liam Johnson!
Of course I will see you.. I've been waiting as you would of read in my many letters over the months.
I miss you baby so much. I love you and can't wait to see you. I need to see you!
My dad died.. Just thought I should let you know. I'm doing OK. He wasn't exactly in my life to know and miss. Your my priority, my main concern always. I'll wait forever for you to be mine again Liam Johnson. Nothing will change my love for you can't you see that. It will only ever be you and me.
Always and Forever Yours
Stacey Johnson XXXXX

Folding the letter I seal it, perfume sprayed everywhere and grab my bag and phone heading down to the post box before I open the bakery.

Pulling on my apron I wash my hands and dry them quickly ready to open the bakery. I baked so much and I'm just hoping they all sell like they have been..
"Hi, what can I get you" I ask the old lady standing at the counter.
"That delious tiger bread you bake darling. My husband loves the stuff. And a box of jam and cream doughnuts please." she asks me and I bag the items as she hands me the cash and soon there's more customers piling in. I really do need help.

After being rushed of my feet serving everyone I start on a new batch of chocolate cakes that are running low. I decided to not put Liam's chocolate and peanut butter cups on sale as there for him only. Just something special about that. I sit there fiddling with my ring thinking what Liam could be doing right now. Please be OK..

Standing up hearing the timer I take the cakes out the oven and start on the chocolate butter icing.
Washing the icing off my hands I take the cakes out to the hatch and start serving the customer that just entered.

Finally sitting down I sigh heavily feeling rushed of my feet all day I pull myself together thankful that I only have to go upstairs. Locking up and turning the sign. I shut all the blinds and switch the music off. Looking around I make sure all appliances should be off and make my way out the back towards the elevator needing it today.
Walking into my home I sigh happily kicking off my shoes and walking to the kitchen. I pull a bottle of wine off the rack and a glass from the cupboard. Pouring myself a decent amount I drink some and put it down walking over to the bathroom to run a bath I just wanna relax with my wine and a spliff in a hot bubbly tub.
Running the water I pour in my vanilla scented bubbles and light the candles to match and strip out of my clothes.
Walking back into the kitchen I check the doors locked up and bill my spliff quickly.
Grabbing my wine, I make my way back into the bathroom and climb into the bath relaxing back putting everything onto the side.
Turning some music on my phone up listening to chilled songs relaxing me further.,

Laying there feeling content in my own surroundings and that scares me. I miss Liam like crazy but I'm actually good on my own. Is this him pushing me away making sure I have everything before he does so?
As much as I can do all this on my own I love Liam and want him regardless. I will wait for him no matter what. 2 years. 10years I'll wait because I want only him.
With that last thought I smile and begin my nightly routine.
Climbing out the bath pulling the plug I dry wrapping the towel around my body and brush my teeth.
Looking at myself in the mirror I smile happy and rinse my mouth ready to wash my face.

Standing in my room after moisturizing I pull one of Liam's t-shirts I took from the house over my head and climb into my bed. Switching the tv on I flick through Netflix and load up a documentary and look at my phone seeing a text from Sian.

Sian: Hey babes, it's been awhile hope your OK. I love you. Xx

Stacey: Bakerys been hectic and finally heard from Liam you was right. The hole.. Again! I'm good tho and I'll see you soon lunch? I love you too Xx

Sian: Perfect.. Don't worry so much boys will be boys Stace. I miss you and I'll call you in the morning about lunch Xx

Stacey: Sounds great. I miss you too babe. Night Xx

Putting my phone down I curl up to the smell of my baby and pray that he has a good day tomorrow.
"Good night baby, I love you" I say out loud hoping he hears me.,

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