The beginning

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this story starts with a bit of a background story which will explain some stuff you will see later in the story.

on Asgard there are different kind of people. There are the normal Asgardians, the royals, Valkyries who where kind of like gods in the eyes of the Asgardian people, and Celtic woman. The Celtic woman where barely seen on Asgard as they lived out in the woods, they where very beautiful woman who had a voice of an angle. 

Agardians loved to throw parties, the royals and the Valkyries would show and join the party but the Celtics where never there. The Celtic woman where known for their beauty but also for their siren voices, yes their voices where amazing but they could be used for luring people and even killing. The Asgardians where not scared because they knew that if they would leave the Celtic woman alone they had nothing to fear. The Asgaridans would tel stories to their children about the Celtic woman, so did queen Frigga. Queen Frigga would tell her sons stories about these woman, that if they would ever meet one they needed to show respect because the Celtic woman where the highest of goddesses on Asgard, and if they wouldn't show them respect they would most likely be hurt or killed. Thor like the woman magnet he is, kept saying he wasn't scared of the Celtic woman and that he would just flirt with them but Loki on the other hand listened closely to his mother and knew that if he ever met one of them he would behave like a gentleman. 

a time where Loki and Thor where still little.

''But mother, i don't fear those woman. they should fear me! the son of Odin, next king of Asgard.'' Thor said proud while he stands tall. ''My dear son, these woman are dangerous if they need to be. Once an old friend of you're fathers went in the woods where he met a Celtic woman. This friend started to scream at the woman, she had enough and made his ears bleed as a warning but he didn't stop. He kept going and insulted her more, until one of you're fathers guards came and made him stop. The guard apologized to the woman and she showed mercy. The men had never been the same.'' Queen Frigga tells her sons. ''Wait was that fathers fried who took his own life?'' Loki asked. ''Yes my son, rumors go that he heard and saw the woman everywhere and that she kept haunting him which made him do it'' ''wow'' Was the only think Loki said. ''O don't fear brother, its just a story.'' Thor said. ''Believe what you want my sons but do be aware and remember if you ever meet one. Now its late already and you two have training in the morning.'' Queen Frigga kissed both her sons forehead and wished them goodnight. 

just a few years later where Loki and Thor where teens.

''Come on brother, you're getting slow!'' Thor called for Loki. ''I'm just enjoying the view brother'' They where both riding their horses through the woods. Their mother had warned them for the woods, not only for the Celtic woman but also enemies of the crown. As the two slowly made their way back to the castle they heard a sound coming from behind the trees. ''Who is there!?'' Thor called. An arrow was shot which just missed the princes. Both princes made their horses ran, they lost sight of one another. When Loki arrived at an open field in the middle of the woods he heard some men behind him. Another arrow was shot this time hitting Loki in his side. He fell from his horse onto the ground. As his vision got blurry he heard a voice, as soon as he heard the voice he knew, it was a Celtic woman. The voice was so beautiful, after 2 minutes the voice stopped and scream where heard. The screams where from the men haunting Loki. After the screams stopped Loki saw a blurry figure coming towards him, the figure has long white hair and a beautiful white dress. ''Are you alright?'' the figure asked. he knew it was the Celtic woman by her voice. ''I-i'm fi....'' just before he could finish, his vision became black. 

A beautiful voice, long white hair. ''W-who are you?'' Loki asked as he was slowly trying to wake up. She didn't answer him. His vision turned black again and before he knew it he woke up in his room in the castle with a worried queen and prince beside his bed. ''Mother? brother?'' Loki asked. ''O my son, you're awake.'' ''What happened?'' Loki asked. ''We where attacked, i was lucky enough to lose the men but you where not so lucky.'' ''I saw a woman, she saved me.'' Loki told his mother. His mother looked surprised. ''Who was she?'' His mother asked. ''I dont know'' ''Well I'm thankful she saved you'' 

A few days later

''Loki! Thor! hurry up, the ball starts in just an hour!'' Queen Frigga called to her sons. Both Loki and Thor where in their own chambers getting ready for the grant ball their father had arranged for his two sons so they could meet some woman. As both the boys walk towards the ball room their mother wait for them at the top of the stairs. ''You two look handsome'' She says while smiling, she was so proud of both of them. Both Thor and Loki where wearing their formal clothes. 

At least as formal as they could

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At least as formal as they could. Thor didn't like the suits so he cleaned his armor and put that on. The boys both took on of their mothers arm and walked down the grant stairs towards their father who was already talking to some noble men. (play the music at the top) The music started to play and men asked the woman to dance. Thor also asked one of the woman to dance and went to the dance floor. Queen Frigga and king Odin also went to the dance floor leaving Loki all by himself. ''May i ask why you are standing here so lonely my prince?'' A girl asked from behind Loki. He turned around and saw this gorgeous girl standing there. She had hair as white as snow and clear blue eyes like the sky. She was wearing this purple ish dress. 

Loki got lost in her eyes

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Loki got lost in her eyes. ''My prince?'' The girl asked. ''Yes I'm sorry, what where you saying my lady?" ''Why are you standing here all by yourself my lord?'' She asked again. ''Uhm well... i guess i don't really have anybody to dance with'' The girl chuckled. ''Have you asked anybody?'' She asked. ''N-no'' He said. ''Maybe you should'' she told him. Loki clears his throat. ''Would you like to dance with me, my lady?'' Loki asked the girl while making a small bow. ''I would love to my prince'' the girl made a small curtsy. Loki took the girl to the dance floor and started to dance with her. They barely talked, they just stared at one another. Loki could have sworn he had seen her before. As the dance went on both Loki and the girl let the music guide them and they followed the rythem. 

I hope you liked the first chapter of my story. Please let me know if you did or if you maybe found a mistake so that i can fix it. 

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