Chapter 133

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"Johnson" I hear and I stand up making my way to the guard I hope I look OK it's been awhile since I've seen him and I'm more nervous now than I was last night. I take a deep steady breath and follow the guard out and take a seat at my usual spot.

I see how the other prisoners come rushing out and look around for one of them to be Liam but it wasn't

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I see how the other prisoners come rushing out and look around for one of them to be Liam but it wasn't. He looks me over and walks over to me grabbing me and kissing me. It feels weird. What's happening.. Is he not happy to see me.. But he's kissing me? I'm confused..
"Hi" I say shyly as he pulls away wiping him mouth. Oook then.
"How are you?" he asks and I just stare at him as he looks around the room. Then back at me like he doesn't even want to be here. What the actual fuck?
"You wanted to talk?" I ask him hoping he'll tell me what this facade is about.
"Straight to the point then" he says and shrugs.
"Liam what's wrong.. Talk to me baby please" I ask him reaching out for him but he backs away from me.
"The only way I'll make it out here alive, is by letting you go. I can't be weak.. You beautiful are my weakness" he says and that hit hard. He's fucking pushing me away. I knew it.
"What are you talking about? Why are you doing this baby?" I ask him and he sighs.
"I need to be savage, the animal I have inside me needs to come out. For me, let me do this" he says and I try my absolute hardest not to cry. But my tears betray me and one slips out.
"I knew you'd do this sooner or later. You always run Liam. Stop running from me I love you baby" I tell him wiping the tear away harshly.
"I know you love me never stop. I need it. But I need to have a cold heart in here and I can't if I'm loving you like this. I can't do it. I won't" he tells me and I see him slowly start to pull up his guard and his eyes change. Fuck.. Nooo!
"Baby, don't leave me" I tell him and try grab his hand but he backs away from me standing up.
"You need to leave, live your life. I love you Stacey Bloom" he says and that hit me fucking hard. I stand up and slap him across his face and walk out tears flooding my eyes. How can he do this to me?

Sitting in my car I pull out my phone and call Steve.
"Hi, what happened?" he asks as soon as he picks up and I burst out into tears.
"He actually pushed me away. I don't know what to do" I cry and he cures.
"It's going to be OK sweetheart, what did he say exactly" he asks me and I think does it fuking matter.
"That I'm his weakness and he can't be weak in there" I tell him and he sighs.
"He's right sweetheart. As hard as it is I'm surprised it took him this long. I did the same to my wife. You just have to go with it he's kicked into survival mode now. He's doing this for you sweetheart" he says and it makes sense but still noo! I need Liam. I need to see him, hear his voice and read his handwriting.. I can't not have contact. I'll go fucking insane!
"You know he'll be in the hole for a month at least for whatever he did when you left" he says and I sigh heavily.
"I know, I slapped him aswell." I tell him and he laughs down the phone.
"Good girl, he's definitely in the hole" he tells me still laughing but I definitely feel shit.
"I'm still outside the prison and it's pissing it down I'll call you later I need to get home" I tell him and he sighs
"Don't do anything stupid sweetheart. I'd hate to lose you aswell" he says and I sigh again.
"I won't, bye" I tell him and hang up throwing my phone and purse to the passengers seat and pulling on my seat belt. Turning Justin beiber up I pull off from the prison hoping its not the last time. I have to see him.

Arriving back at the bakery I take off my shoes and pull my hair up with a bobble and put on an apron. Stress baking. I need to do something.
Washing my hands with the gel I scrub away and rinse them, drying them quickly on a towel and open the cupboard pulling out flour and eggs from the fridge with all the other ingredients. Instead of using a electric whisk I use my own strength beating everything together and add in strawberry flavoring. Pouring them into cup cake cases I turn on the oven pre heating it and cook the first batch. Moving onto the white chocolate cookies I grab everything I need and start to make the cookie dough throwing in chunks of chocolate. Why is he pushing me away? Did I do something wrong.. What more did he need from me? I loved him with everything I had and it clearly wasn't good enough.. Shit! I hit the counter and start to nead the dough into balls and placing them on baking paper. He can't be leaving me.. He just can't be.

The timer goes off and I take the cupcakes out the oven and put the next batch in.. Standing there staring at my phone I text Sian.

Stacey: Me and Liam are over. He pushed me away. I'm good just thought I'd let you know Xx

Hitting send I put my phone down and stare out the window at the people walk past living there life while mine falls apart again. Why is this happing again. What am I not doing right to keep from being punished?

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now