Moving Schools

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"Y/N come on get up it's time for school", your mom said desperately shaking you in attempt to wake you up from your slumber.
"Mom I don't want to please don't make me, I don't know anyone there!", you whine as you hide in your covers.
"Do whatever you want but you better be ready when I come back" states your mom while leaving your room. After she leaves you get up and look at your self in the mirror, you notice how tall you are which is sadly one of your biggest insecurities.
You quickly change into your uniform but the though "I'm going to be the new weird kid" kept occurring in your head no matter how much you tried to shut it out.
You walked down to the kitchen where your mom had your lunch, she kissed you goodbye and you started to make your way to PK Academy.
On your way there you see this beautiful dark blue haired girl on the way into the school, she was stunning and you had a small crush on her. You thought to yourself "Damn she is very pretty, very attractive, I hope she notices me".
When you walk into your class you see this short boy with blue hair and a good fashion sense in the corner of your eye, you seem to like him more than the dark blue haired girl.
The teacher sees you enter the class and exclaims "Well hello Y/N please introduce yourself to the class!", you do not want to but you know you have to.
You walk up to the front of the class and assertively say "My name is Y/N I am new to this school and I just moved here after my parents divorce, hope I get along with you all", and fast walk to your new desk.

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