Chapter 134

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Three days later

I miss him. I haven't had anything for days and it's making me sad. I'm going crazy and baking like a mad person. The only good thing I have is my business.. I need Liam.
Hearing the letterbox I run out and see his handwriting. Grabbing the letter I rip it open hoping it was some sick joke and he wants me still.
Sitting on my sofa I begin to read.

Hello beautiful
I hope and pray that you are happy and thriving even after us. I had to do it. The only way we stand a chance of having a future together is by me doing what I'm doing now. Live your dream and don't look back. You are perfect in every way and deserve to live your life how you dreamed to. I'm holding you back and I won't do it anymore. This place isn't for you beautiful. The more you came the more I wanted to leave. I can't do it anymore. I need to focus on doing my time and only that. Please nomore tears the thought of your beautiful smiling face is what keeps me going everyday. I'm doing this for us. You need to move on and be the Stacey I always knew you'd become. I'm so proud of you beautiful and everything you've achieved on your own. You don't need anyone. Please be proud of yourself! Never stop spreading them wings and stay on top like the queen you are. I hope you don't turn up looking to sexy because I don't want to be sidetracked with wanting to devour you when I need to push you away.. Fuck I'm getting turned on just thinking about it.
I miss all of you and I hate what I've got to do but I have to do it beautiful. I really do.. I know I do its what's best for you. That's all I care about. Jason and Steve will look after you. Don't feel like you can't go to my mum if you need to. She'll always be there for you. She loves you and knows I do unconditionally.
I don't know where to go from here..
All I know is that I love you baby more than life and I'm doing this for us just remember that. I'll miss you everyday beautiful. Smile for me please Stacey.
Yours Always and Forever.

I sit there bawling my eyes out, not knowing what to do. He's being himself.. Running away from me. He's being selfless by putting me first and how can I not love him. He wants me to live my dream and I already am.. Half of it anyways.
I jump up with the letter feeling my heart cracking the closer I get to my notepad.

I love you so much, and I don't want to just never see you again.. I have too. You can't push me away completely I need to know your OK. I need to hear your voice. I miss you already I can't go never seeing you. You think your holding me back when it's the opposite. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be where I am now. You did this to me, your love makes me spread my wings because I know you'll catch me if I fall..

I sit there crying wishing I didn't have to wirte this letter and push it to the side. I can't do this. I need a minute. I love him and he's pushing me away again.
Picking up the pen I continue.

I need you Liam, more than you know, you make me feel alive and want to thrive. I need you to be proud of me that's why I'm living my dream but your part of that too. I'm sorry for hitting you.. I know I shouldn't of done that. You was being cruel and I lashed out. I'm sorry baby! I never want to hurt you. Just love you..
You'll always and forever be mine and I'll never replace you. It will always be you. Always has, always will so always remember that..
All I can think about is you. Your my guilty pleasure and I don't intend on giving you up ever. Can't you see what you do to me.. We're in to deep we can't just give up baby. Its killing me I've never cried so much. It hurts so fucking bad it's the worst pain I've ever had..
We have to survive this I can't lose you it will kill me. And I didn't believe your Stacey Bloom comment I know you was just trying to hurt me and you succeeded. But I love you baby so much.
Yours Always and Forever.
Stacey Johnson XXXXX

Wiping my eyes at the endless tears I finally finish my letter, spray it and put it into the envelope. Putting it into my purse I make my way to the shower and start getting ready for my interviews. I need staff.

Standing in the mirror I look myself over needing to look professional, needing to look like the boss.
I apply a red lip stick and pull on my gold sandal heels and grab my gold purse. Grabbing the CVS of the applicants and my phone I make my way down the elevator and into the bakery.
Turning all the lights on I open the blinds and see a girl around Macey's age outside looking smart, pacing. I look through the CVS and already want her. She's the right age to lean all the tricks. I make my way to the door and open it to her.
"Hi, I'm Stacey, come on in hun" I say to her and she smiles up at me. So far so good.
"Hi, I'm Lauren Wakefield. I've come for the job interview" she says and I nod holding the door open for her to come in.
Today's the first day of the rest of my life and I feel like absolutely shit. I miss my baby.

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