Chapter 135

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Six months later

"Sian, babes where are you I'm nearly there" I tell her as I sit already drunk in a Uber on my way to meet her and Kai at a bar in town.
"I'm at the bar now, where are you?" she asks me and the Uber pulls up and I see Sian.
"I see you now, I'm coming babe" I tell her and hang up climbing out the car smiling at the driver
Walking over to Sian some guy knocks into me and I nearly fall on my ass and I just brace myself but Kai grabs me.
"Watch it dick" he says to the guy and he holds his hands up in defence.
"Sorry love, didn't see you" he says with a cheeky smile and I grin up at him. He's cute just not Liam. I sigh to myself and smile at Kai.
"Thanks for catching me" I tell him with a smile and he nods.
"Anytime" he says and I hook Sian's arm walking into the bar..
"Did you tell him you love him yet.. Its been six months." I ask her and she sighs.
"Everytime I've gone to its really bad timing" she says and I shake my head.
"Just blurt it out, you'll feel better babe" I tell her and she nods looking at Kai stopping him.. I pause to wanting to be in on it too and smile at her when she looks to me for encouragement.
"I love you Kai, so much" she says loud and proud and I clap happily for her..
"Finally" I tell her and look at a shocked Kai. Say something then.. Shit leave a girl hanging.. Suddenly feeling my phones  vibration I pull it out my purse and run back outside to answer
"Liam, baby.. Talk to me. Please, I love you so much. Hold onto that Liam. Hold on to my love forever" I tell him and he sighs heavily hanging up. My poor baby, I miss him so much it hurts. I just want to see his face. Hear his voice tell me he's OK..
Walking back into the bar I see Sian and Kai making out and I look around awkwardly. This makes me miss Liam. I miss being held by someone. The comfort some one can bring you. I'm lonely just like he is. But he did this.
Walking to get a drink I order three fingers of rum and down it as the bartender passes it me. Why does he keep ringing and not talking. I need to hear his voice. Something before I burst.
"You alright there babes?" Sian asks coming up to me grinning.
"Liam just rang again" I tell her and she sighs.
"Still not talking I take it" she says and I sigh heavily just wanting to go home.
"Nope and it's the worst part" I tell her it's driving me crazy. Like talk to me I know it's you for fuck sake!
I flag the bartender back again and order the same downing it
"I don't wanna spoil yall lovebirds night so am gonna go home and take a long relaxing bath babe, I'm sorry" I tell her feeling guilty.
"You don't have to leave babe" she says and I nod sighing I do. I want to before I end up to drunk and doing something I regret.
"I'll call you tomorrow babe, I love you, go celebrate and have epic sex for me" I tell her giggling and she laughs grinning. At least one of us is getting it..

Walking into my apartment after catching an Uber home I notice the mail out the corner of my eye and see Liam's handwriting. I scream and grab it running to my room switching on the lamp and dropping down ripping it open. Oh my fucking god, yes!

Hello beautiful.
I am writing to you after all this time to let you know that I'm been transferred to somewhere far, far away for fuck sake.
I know you are living your life and that makes me soo fucking happy. It's only you that does. I'm sorry if this letter throws you off or puts me back into your mind but I had to tell you beautiful. I still receive letters constantly thank you for that. It keeps me going and gives me something to concentrate on. I reply to every single one. I will write to you again once I've moved. I hope and pray this reaches you ASAP.
Please keep smiling. I miss it so fucking much. Damn. I have your beautiful letters and the smell of you on them. I will survive. No matter how fucked up this pain makes me just remember that I love you baby. Continue being the amazing person you are. Never change beautiful, you are perfect how you are. Own it...
Thank you for still seeing my mum, it means the world to me that the two women I love the most in this life, are together and there for each other. Some how that gives me comfort and makes me even content to a degree. I know I keep calling and not talking but I need to hear you.. I'm sorry but I can't stop.. I won't lie.. I do some times try to talk but my body won't allow me to speak... Fuck.. I miss you soo much..
I hate that I love you so much that I'm doing the right thing.. For you.. Us..
I'm proud of you every single fucking day beautiful.
Yours Always and Forever.

I sit there drunkly crying thinking he's fucking crazy. After six whole fucking months he tells me he's moving and finally admitted to calling me.. As if I didn't know.
I pull my notepad and pen out and write him drunk. Who fucking cares..

Hi fucking Liam...
I write you drunk and miserable. You've just called me while out with Sian and now I'm home alone and lonely without you. I miss you so god damn much it hurts to much. Rums doing a pretty good job of making me feel slightly better and it's becoming my new best friend..
I love you baby so much and I'm glad your getting my letters. I wish you would talk to me. I need to hear your voice I'm going crazy without you baby. I need you back.. Don't leave me. I love you too fucking much and I don't know how long I can handle being alone. At least I had you before. Now I have nothing or no one and it's scaring me I don't want to do something I'll regret baby.
Why are you moving prisons.. What happened? I cant bare you being somewhere far away let alone far, far.. Why is this happening.. Why is my love not enough for you.. I know you can do better.. But I'll love you unconditionally Liam.
I'll see your mum as long as she wants me around. She's the closest person I have to you. She's the only one that understands my pain of you not being here with me, she's furious with you for pushing me away when we need each other baby. Don't do this. And please write back. I need to see you baby. I need you to hold me and tell me everything gonna be OK. Because I'm not so sure anymore. I love you so much.
Yours Always and Forever.
Stacey Johnson XXXXX.

Laying back with my notepad I feel my self drift off crying. I'll deal with it in the morning was my last thoughts before sleep overtook.

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