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A young bi-colored haired boy held his mother's hand as they walked across the street to the doctors office.His mother had made sure to cover his recent bruises from their 'training' with her makeup foundation.Entering with a ding sound they walked up to the receptionist. "Name please?" She asked with a warm smile

"Todoroki Shoto." His mother responded returning the happy mood in the air with a fake smile. "Ok please fill this out and the doctor will be right with ya!" She stated handing the mother a clipboard with papers clipped onto it.

She took the clipboard and sat down next to her son who was playing with his hands. "H-hey Shoto please don't bring up your father and his 'training' ok?" She asked with a pleading voice.

Shoto nodded his head.And smiled the best he could.After finishing the information on the documents they heard. "Todoroki?!" From the hallway door.Both got up and went inside a room.
"Ok so Shoto here is indeed a omega which is ultra-rare!" "I myself was surprised we are looking at the first male Omega in decades!" The doctor stated smiling.

Shoto felt his eyes water and looked down. 'Emotions are for the weak!' His father's words echoed through his head.Reí on the other hand was smiling on the outside but inside she was panicking and scared.

"Ok thank you so much doctor!" Reí said getting up grabbing Shoto's hand a dragging him along.Once she was out of the doctors office she sighed deeply looking over at her son who had glossy eyes staring back at her.

She kneeled down and hugged him tightly.picking him up she walked across the street once again and made it to the car.
They got back home and entered.It was quiet.Too quiet.They began to panic taking off their shoes and checked the living room where toya,Natsu,and Fuyumi were all sleeping on each other.

Both reí and Shoto smiled but it fell once they heard the door slam open.Making the siblings on the floor jump up and scatter.Hearing heavy footsteps Shoto gulped. 'How am i supposed to tell him I'm an omega!' He thought to himself.

"Shoto!" Enji yelled stomping right in front of the young boy. "What are you!" He asked harshly. "I-I I'm an Omega fath-" he was cut off with the lack of air in his lungs. "Training room NOW!" His voice boomed and shook the walls of the house.Shoto stood up and ran to the 'Training' room
Shoto was on the floor vomiting his guts out. "Tch pathetic excuse of a son.what where you again?" He asked,balling up his fist grabbing Shoto's hair and yanking it back making a whimper fall out of the younger's lips.

"I-I'm an omega." He stated emotionless. He felt a hard blow of sting across his face.then a pain at his stomach.He tried getting up but his 'father' beat him to the floor.The door slid open. "Enji please he's just a kid!" *Smack* "M-mama?"
Todoroki sat up,panting heavily.His hair sticking to his forehead due to the sweat. "Damn that nightmare again!" He said.Putting his face into his hands.He picked up his phone ,squinting his eyes due to the brightness.

'6:30 AM' the time read.He sighed getting up and limping to his bathroom.Due to his 'Father's' 'Training' he couldn't walk correctly.He turned on his shower and he began to undress.He looked at himself in the mirror.

Fingers caressing the dark nasty bruises on his chest.His eyes watered and he had to resist punching the mirror.He looked into his cabinet and grabbed a razor blade.

Dragging the sharpness across his wrist,up his arm as he watch his blood fall like a stream.1..............2...............3...........4.............5.............10...................15.He lost count but once he felt lightheaded he stopped heading into the cold shower.the water stinging the fresh cuts made Shoto sigh in relief.

After the shower he got out and wrapped himself in bandages and putting on foundation makeup.Covering the bruising on his neck and face.Also covering the dark eye bags under his eyes.

He changed into his uniform.He then grabbed his heat suppressants and plopped two into his mouth.Checking the time once again. '7:25' He walked downstairs saying goodbye to fuyumi who was in the kitchen cooking.He slipped on his shoes and walking out the door. "Wait sho breakfa-" he didn't wait he just limped his way to UA.

As he approached the gates he heard. "TODOROKI-KUN!" He flinched and stopped in his tracks.He looked behind him and saw his bestfriend Midoriya. "Hello Todoroki-kun!" He said with his usual smile. "H-hello!" He cursed himself for stuttering.

"Are you ok you're limping?! What happened?!" He asked with concern in his voice. "I'm fine I just tripped but I'm fine!" Todoroki said with a weak fake smile.

Midoriya didn't seem to believe it but decided not to push it.They entered the classroom heading to their desk.Almost the whole class was there since it was '8:35' five minutes til class.

Shoto felt extremely tired.His bastard of a father went rougher on him yesterday.Shoto thought if it wasn't for Fuyumi he would have been dead.Though he also thought it wasn't so bad if he died.

'No one would really care nobody will even notice either' he thought to himself.Suddenly the bell rang making him flinch cover his head with his arms.

The whole class saw this.Confused but brushed it off.Sensei came in and started teaching.Shoto couldn't focus correctly.His eyes blurred and he couldn't hear a thing every few seconds.He sent out distress pheromones every time it happened.

Some classmates including Bakugo spotted this and checked up on him every once in a while.Shoto couldn't hold it together anymore he passed out.Falling off his chair.but before he hit the ground he had been caught by Bakugo.

The contact of their skin made a tingling sensation flow down Katsuki's spine. 'What the hell?' He thought.That only happens when people touch their Fated mates. "Bakugo what happened to Todoroki?" Aizawa asked in a stern voice.

Bakugo shot him a glare. "HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW?"He yelled.Aizawa groaned and rubbed his temple. "Just take him to recovery girl Bakugo!..." he said.

"Fucking fine!" Bakugo said picking Shoto up bridal style and marched out of the classroom.walking down the hallway to recovery girl's office.Todoroki felt really light.Bakugo looked at how peaceful he looked.

Once he arrived he harshly knock on the door banging on it.He got tired of waiting so he blew the door down with his hand.

Ight so I'm tiredddddddd ugh so I'm going to sleep! Cya!🦑
1113 words

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