I'll accept your dying wish

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The last thing I saw was Zoey. Her eyes were full of tears and she was holding the ring I got her. I saw her smile so I knew I made her happy.
Damn...looks like I couldn't protect her...is this how it ends?.. Me seeing nothing but darkness and waiting for all my friends to die?.. I'm pathetic.. weak..

"Open your eyes Dante."

I opened my eyes to see nothing but complete and utter darkness. No one was there. No one could be there.

"What do you want Dante?"

"Who are you? Where am I?"

"You know where you are. You've been here before."

He was right. This was the same darkness where I fought against my madness.

"Who are you?"

"You know me. We've been together for so long it's hard not to."

I thought hard. Someone that knew about this place...that knew me..



"What do you want?"

"We need to talk."

"About what?"

"Give me control."

"Excuse me?"

"Give me complete and utter control of your body. I can make you live like never before. I will breathe life back in to you."

"Why now?"

"Because I must see my brother."

"You think Lucifer wants to talk to you?"

"Yes. Say yes and you can see Zoey again."

"Give me your power and I'll take care of all of this."

"No. It must be me."

"It's my body!"

"It's my power boy!"

At that instant everything went from complete and utter darkness to a pure spring field. I looked around but saw nothing but a luscious field all around and a beautiful peach tree. I looked closely at it and saw someone leaning on it.


He turned to face me and I was breathless. It was me. He wore the exact opposite colors as me. His hair was pure white and lifeless eyes like he killed someone for the first time.

"Dante. Give me control and I'll take care of this for you."

"I don't want to. I'll save everyone. I don't have to steal power to get stronger."

"You're a child!"

"I'm a human!"

He staggered back a few feet.

"I am no angel. I cannot kill my friends to get stronger. I will protect them and save them from hell. Call me a child for wanting to save them but I will not be called weak for trying."

"I can give you power. Please give me control."

"You're just an arrogant brant who got into a fight with his brother over a damn problem that could have been solved by a simple talk."

"Don't talk about my brother that way!"

"Then don't act like he was more important than your other fallen brothers!"

He looked at me like I had just kicked him in the gut.

"Get me out. Now."

In that instant my eyes flew open. I saw Zoey move back like she was expecting someone else.

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