A newfound friendship

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Your P.O.V

It's, horrific...terrifying...monstrous. Who is this? What is this?

It's a... Bunny?

'No, I'm just seeing things, right? There's no way that this is real...right?' I say in my head. I take a step back and anylize this, thing in front of me. It's a huge, grey-ish yellow, anthropomorphic rabbit, sitting hugging his knees. Half of his right ear is ripped off and he has holes everywhere, with what looks like rotting pieces of flesh inside them. There's dried blood splattered and dripping from a few of the holes and all over the wall behind it. I'm gonna be sick. What the hell is this thing?

"What are you?" I ask myself, stepping closer and closer to this creature. Then I notice something dangling from one of the ears and the sides of the head.

"Wait... are those, wires?" I ask myself. "And is that, metal?" I say looking at a silver rod in its leg. Wait... No...No it can't be! It's not possible! My eyes widen in shock at the thought. Just as I try to wrap my head around all those thoughts, the eyes suddenly shoot open, and it gives me the fright of my life!

"AAAAAAAAAAA!" I scream backing away quickly.

"AAAAAAAAAAA!" The creature screams. I back away more until my back hits the wall. I breathe heavily. My heart beats faster realising that I have nowhere for me to run.



I stare into the thing's grey, seemingly dead eyes. They look...harmless. I feel my heart rate start to drop slightly. This creature looks like its more scared of me than I am of it. The two of us stare at each other for about a minute before I gather all my courage.

"Who...What are you?" I say calmly.

"I..." He starts. There's silence for a moment. Then something catches my eye, and the moment I see it my eyes go wide. A little golden yellow bunny with a purple bow tie and vest.

"Golden Bonnie..." I say slowly walking to the plus by and holding it in my hands, then I look up at the bunny.



There's no way this is possible...is there? For a second the rest of the world seems to be moving in slow motion, or completely still. We just stare at each other in complete silence...blank, speechless, shocked... damn this silence is akaward.

"You're... not the person I thought I'd find." I smiled, awkwardly.

"Drake, is that really you? Am I dreaming?" He says getting up. And let me tell you, he's tall. He's probably 7 feet tall! I get up and meet his gaze.

"Let's start over. I'm Drake." I say holding out my hand.

"I'm Springtrap." He says shaking mine. "How did you manage to open the door?" He asks.

"I loosened the hin-" He cut me off with a hug. A tight one too.

"Thank you." He says.

"No problem Springtrap." I say hugging him back. The hug felt kinda, wierd, to be completely honest. I didn't expect to get a hug from a seven foot withered possessed animatronic bunny. Then again I never thought I'd be friends with one. And surprisingly, he felt warm. Really warm. And a little fuzzy too. I feel my cheeks getting hot.

"Uh, Drake? You can let go now." He says. I quickly pull away and flash him an embarrassed grin.

"Heh, sorry Spring." I say.

"Uh, why are your cheeks red?" He asks. I quickly cover up one of my cheeks with my hand and look at him then blush even more.

"I'm sorry, but i cant help it. You're just so warm and fuzzy."

"Me? Fuzzy? You hot me confused with the plushy." He says smirking.

"Wait, Spring, the door is open. You're free!" I say cheerfully.

"Well, m-maybe we can, stay in here for the night? I don't think I'm ready for the outside world just yet." He says hesitantly.

"O-Oh, okay. If you say so Spring." I say. The two of us then sit down and chat for the remainder of the night. We laughed, told each other jokes he told me a story. After about three hours the two of us sit against the wall, next to each other. I lean my head on his shoulder, but he scoots away from me a little. Clearly he's not ready for that. To ease the intensity of the akwardness, Springtrap starts a conversation.

"Y'know Drake, I never thought that someone like you existed." He says. I look at him with a confused expression. Just as I'm about to say something, he beats me to it.

"I'm talking about your hair, and your eyes. They're so unusual. I've never seen someone with snow white hair before, or blue and purple eyes." He says. Crap, my eye! I forgot about it.

"Uh, really? I mean it's not that special. There are other people on the world with mismatched eyes." I quickly say covering my eye.

"But the chances of one of them being purple is a low chance, probably the lowest. You're unique Drake." He says to me with a smile. I cant help but feel my cheeks heating. It takes guts to tell someone their special the way that Springtrap just did. I smile at him and he smiles back.

"You really think so?" I ask stupidly.

"Yeah. Plus, purple is my favourite colour." He says.

"It is!?" I ask. He nods.

I then get a sudden sharp pain all over my purple eye and my forehead. I let out a groan and hold my head in pain.

"Drake! Buddy, you okay?" I hear Springtrap ask, sounding concerned. All of a sudden, the pain is gone.

"Heh, that's the second or third time someone's asked me that. I'm fine." I say with a smile. He gives me a concerned look.

"Those types of things don't just happen you know." He says.

"Spring, really, I'm fine." I say. He relaxes a bit and wraps his arm around me and rests it on my left shoulder.

"Let me tell you something Drake, not everyone I know would be brave enough to sneak into a pizzaria where kids were murdered after hours." He jokes. I laugh a bit.

"And I doubt that any of them would be brave enough to be friends with a sentient, 7 foot, animatronic bunny huh?" I say. My eyes then start to feel heavy and I let out a long yawn. Springtrap looks down at me with a soft smile.

"Didn't get much sleep I see." He says. I yawn again and lean against his shoulder again. He was right. I barely got much sleep cuz of that incident with Kieth. I nod slowly and yawn again.

"Wake me...when my alarm goes off...okay Springtrap?" I say like a sleepy mess.

"Okay." He says. I then feel my body being moved, but I'm too sleepy to make sure. My vision is blurry but I can at least make out that my head is closer to the floor. Could Springtrap have put my head on his lap? How sweet. I smile as I close my eyes and start to drift away into dream land. But before I do I feel a hand stroking my hair and I hear a soft voice talking to me.

"Sweet dreams, Drake."

"Goodnight Springtrap."


😆 Oh my god, aren't those two just adorable? Who knew that springtrap had such a caring heart? Anyways guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Also sorry sorry taking so long to update. Feel free to attack me in the comments. Next one is on the way soon, I promise. Until then, have a good day.

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