Chapter 136 Liam's POV

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It's been a week since I received her 'drunken letter' I wrote back and sent it to my mum's and one day she's gonna have them all. I hope.
This new prisons not bad. I don't know anyone so far and I'm happy about that. I can do my sentence and get back out to my queen. I need to keep my head down in here. But I'm ready if anyone trys it. My inner animal is prepared. He's just itching to get through and I'm keeping him at bay.. For now.
Today's the day I've decided to call Stacey and I'm anxious as fuck. I haven't spoken to her in over six months and I'm just hoping she answers to me after receiving my letter. Her letter hurt to read. How could she think she's not good enough for someone like fucking me. Is she for real.. I'm the one that's never been good enough. She deserves a real king to match the queen she is. And it makes me sad to know that she's lonely and miserable when I told her to live her life. That ment in all areas. I won't be selfish with her. I can't. I need to tell her this, I just hope that I can speak this time because I know I need to tell her this but ringing her fucks up me pushing her away. I'm just confusing her further. Fuck!
With that thought I jump up and make my way to the phone.
Standing in the queue I look around hoping to get some privacy and no one comes behind.
Picking up the phone I dial her number and wait for her to answer..
"Baby, I'm alone and wet.. I need you" she moans and I hear a vibration. She's using her toy. Fuck! I groan down the phone and she moans a little louder. I feel all the blood rush to my dick and I go lightheaded. Whoa.
"Talk to me baby, I need to hear you" she moans and I groan around shoving my hands down my sweets to sort out my raging hard on. Shit it hurts. I miss my treasure.
"Cum for me baby" I demand needing to hear her scream my name down the phone.
"Yes, fuck. Liamm!" she screams as she climaxes. I hear her heavily breathing and the vibration shut off and I swallow knowing now I have to actually talk..
"Baby?" she says in her sweet sexy voice and I nearly drop to my knees. Fuck! Holding onto the wall I take a deep breath and start..
"Im here" I tell her and sigh.
"Oh my fucking god. I've missed you baby" she tells me and I feel guilty as fuck.
"I miss you baby, but I need to talk to you" I tell her and she sighs.. I know I'm going to be leaving her in tears. Fuck!
"Your not ment to be lonely and miserable beautiful. Live your life means live all of it. Find love again" I tell her and choke on my own words. I can't believe I have to tell her this. But I need to make sure she totally understands me.
"Baby noo, I can't. Not again" she tells me and I remember her telling me that she's only been with that imbecile Victor. That makes me happy..
"That's what I want you to do beautiful. I don't want you to miss out on anything potentially better that what I'm offering you right now" I tell her feeling my heart break and my eyes water, my voice thick with emotion and I hear her begin to cry. No baby please.
"Dont cry baby, I'm doing this for you. I don't want you alone forever. I need you to move on and be happy" I tell her sighing heavily.
"I can't move on. I won't Liam. I will be waiting like I keep telling you. Why won't you listen to me. Get it in your head. I want you and you only stop running!" she raises her voice and I smirk to myself.
"Just try, for me.. Please" I ask her and she sighs again.
"I've been there done that. It won't work Liam but I won't look for it. It can fucking find me" she tells me and I laugh smiling. Fuck I've missed her and how freely she speaks to me, giving zero fucks. I love this woman.
"That's all I ask from you beautiful, just be open to it" I tell her laughter gone and my heart painfully breaking as I imagine her being with another man. My blood begins to boil and I feel myself change.
"I love you baby, forever hold on to that. I'll find you one day when I get out" I tell her and sigh. Why won't she just move on.
"I love you too baby, please ring me again. I've missed hearing you" she says and I sigh.
"Bye beautiful" I says and hang up. Putting my head on the phone I feel the claws scratching from the inside fighting to take over and let me wallow in myself and cry.
Taking a deep breath I make my way back to my cell just wanting to be alone and for no one to see me like this. I won't be able to control myself. I sit on my bed and look at the pictures I still have of her and feel a tear slide down my face.
What am I gonna do with you baby.. Please just listen. I'll find you one day I promise. On my life..

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