Chapter 137

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It's been a few weeks since I spoke to Liam and I know he's OK. What he told me hurt but I know he's right so I told him I'd be open to it then he hung up on me. It annoys me that I can't call him back to give him an earful of how that makes me feel.
"Right, you do this, then knead applying as much force as you can" I tell Lauren who I hired that same day. She's an excellent worker and quick learner too.
"Thanks for learning me how to do this. I've always wanted to make my mum something that was edible" she says and we both start laughing. She's been a great distraction.
"Now you just place them into tins and bake them" I tell her watching her do as I say.
"You can go and have a break now hun, you did good. I'm proud of you" I tell her and she smiles wide up at me.
"Thanks Stacey, your a great teacher" she says washing her hands then drying them.
"I do try" I tell her and chuckle.

After a long day of baking with Lauren she finishes her shift and I'm left here alone wallowing in self pity. Could I possibly move on. Be without him and be with another man. I'd rather go back to Victor.. Rolling my eyes at that thought I sigh heavily confused as to what to do with myself.
Making sure everything's clean for tomorrow I shut up the bakery and close the blinds turning the sign to closed and switch the lights off heading upstairs. Grabbing the bottle of rum I grab my weed and bill a fat spliff needing to forget about everything for a night, my birthdays soon aswell I thought to myself with a half smile.

Smoking and drinking on my own and this is what I'm talking about the loneliness of coming home from work and staying by myself. I'm a independent women who has no one. Great..
I make my way over to Liam's folder and look through it looking at the Paris plan wanting it to still happen. Needing to love him forever. Wanting to..
I swig from the bottle staring up at the ceiling and my phone rings.
"Hello" I say in a bitchy tone and hear a heavy sigh.
"I've missed your voice" Liam says and I sit up instantly feeling the alcohol swish in my empty stomach.
"Baby, I've missed you" I tell him and break down. I've been strong for far to long I need to get this out.
"Don't cry beautiful it breaks me hearing it" he says and I can't help the flow of tears.
"I can't help it. I've lasted so long. And really trying to be strong for you but I can't do it anymore. I need you baby" I tell him crying and he sighs..
"I have to go baby, I'm sorry" he says and hangs up. Fuck why does he keep hanging up on me. And fucking apologizing.. What does he have to be sorry for? He's being selfless and putting my wants and needs first. I don't care about that. I need him to want me like he did before. I roll over sitting up and bill myself another spliff feeling stressed and not high enough..
Laying back I spark it and call Sian..
"Hey babe, what's up?" she says answering sounding rushed.
"Liam called" I tell her and she sighs..
"I'm at work babe.. Do you need me?" she asks and I shake my head.
"No, I'll be OK. Don't work to hard. Bye" I say and hang up looking at the time I see it's 7pm and I'm starving.
Dialing Steve he answers straight away.
"Sweetheart, you OK?" he asks immediately and I smile.
"I don't know but I'm hungry" I tell him and he laughs.
"Drive through and a catch up?" he asks and I sigh smiling.
"Absolutely, pick me up I'm at my place" I tell him
"Be there soon sweetheart" he says and we hang up.
Putting my phone down I look myself over in the mirror and decide to change pulling my turtle neck jumper and a dress over it.

Putting my gloss on I hear a beep from outside and make my way out grabbing my phone and purse on the way

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Putting my gloss on I hear a beep from outside and make my way out grabbing my phone and purse on the way.

"Hey, it feels like so long since I've seen you" I tell him as I pull on my seat belt and he smiles at me.
"I know sweetheart I've been so busy, I'm sorry, but I'm here now, talk to me" he says and pulls off.
"Liam called me again, he keeps apologizing randomly and I don't know if it's because he's gonna do something and be put in the hole. All I know is that I miss him but he won't see me" I tell him and he sighs turning the corner.
"He's just doing what he thinks best sweetheart. You have to respect that. What else did he say?" he asks me and I sigh..
"He wants me to move on. But I can't do that" I tell him honestly and he nods.
"I pushed my wife away before she was my wife. She stood by me for 10years and I married her when I got out. Liam has a plan sweetheart. He's not doing this to be cruel and break your heart, I can see me in Liam at his age. You have to trust him" Steve says and I sigh nodding knowing he's right. He pulls into a drive through and orders us a bunch of stuff off the menu. Driving around he pays and takes the food and parks up in the car park handing me a burger.
"Your amazing and I don't know what I'd do without you. Your more of a dad to me than my own was. Thank you Steve you mean so much to me and everything that you've done for Liam aswell, I don't know how to repay you" I tell him and he grins at me.
"Your like the daughter I never had and I'm so proud of you sweetheart. Just be happy like Liam asked. That's all I want for you sweetheart, your thriving and it's amazing to watch.. Your no longer that shy little girl I ment long ago" he tells me and chuckles. He's right I've grown up so much over this year because a lot has happened in my life. I'm officially an adult!

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now