Chapter 138

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Six months later

It's been a while since I've seen Angela I thought as I climb into my car and pull off. She called me this morning not feeling so good so I told her I'd come around and bring her some soup so that's what I'm currently doing now.
I drive around the streets of Nottingham to get to Liam's childhood home that still feels weird going into now where officially over. I've had no phone calls in three mouths and no letters or visits in six long fucking months..
Pulling up outside the house that still brings back painful memories of them taking Liam for the last time.
I walk up to the door knocking and wait for some one to answer.
"Hey Jason, you alright?" I ask him and he nods shutting the door behind me and leaving the house. He does that alot when I come. Did I do something he didn't like?
Pushing it to the back of my mind I walk through putting a smile on my face and look Angela over. She doesn't look so good  shit!
"Hello darling, it's nice to see you again" she says smiling up at me as I sit next to her on the sofa.
"How are you? Do you need me to get you anything?" I ask her and she sighs.
"Stop fussing, I'm find hun. Thankyou anyway" she says offering a smile.
"Have you heard from Liam?" she asks me knowing everything as I broke down to her and spilled. She knows her son better than anyone.
"Not for three months now, I don't even get letters to tell me he's OK" I say and she sighs.
"Me neither, he's pushed us all away. But he'll be out in less than a year and you'll be right as reign" she says cheerfully but I'm not sure what Liam wants anymore. Does he still want me? Love me? Miss me even..
"He's done with me Angela. I'm here for you" I tell her and she sighs heavily looking me in the eyes.
"My son doesn't see what he has right in front of him sweetheart, I'm sorry he's being stupid" she tells me and offers me a hug which I accept. I need as much comfort as possible.

After heating up the soup I pour some into a bowl and get a spoon for her and make my way back into the living room..
"Here, try some of this it should make you feel better and keep something down" I tell her and she perks up bless her. I wish Liam was here to see us bond.
"Well it smells delicious, and it's making me hungry" she says smiling and it lights up her face.
"Your welcome, let me know what you think" I tell her as she scoops some blowing onit and tries it.
"Oh my.. Stacey this is good. I love it" she says and starts to take bigger mouthfuls and hums with content. Finally being able to eat I guess.

Saying bye is always hard because I don't know if I'll see her again. As sad as that sounds it's true. I hope she lasts for Liam to see her again.
"I'll see you soon sweetheart" she tells me and I hear the front door open. Jason must be back.. Just as I'm leaving. How convenient..
"Yeah, call me if you need anything at all" I tell her hugging her.
"Son, walk Stacey out will you" she says to Jason and he looks at me then away quickly when I look at him. What's his problem?
"No it's OK, I'll see you soon" I tell her and walk out sighing. I don't know what Jason's problem is but he needs to fix it and sharpish.

Pulling up at the bakery I jump out checking my phone and sigh seeing nothing. Like normal..
Catching the elevator up I make my way into my apartment grabbing the mail and find a letter. From fucking Liam..
Ripping it open. I read.

Hello beautiful
Just to let you know that I've just come out of the hospital and to let my mum know if she's up for the news otherwise keep it to yourself. Not even Jason baby..
I got into it again but this time I was abit to cocky and ended up getting hurt but it wasn't as bad. Don't worry I won. Of course!
I miss you beautiful and I hope your doing OK and working hard. Stay strong and be happy baby..
I love you Always and Forever.
Your Liam XXXXX

I drop to my knees thanking god that he's OK. Why would he take so long to tell me? At least he's OK Stacey! I tell myself and smile happy that I finally heard from him. Thankful that he's updated me on his situation even tho.. Well everything.
Pulling out my note pad I write him back..

Hey baby
I've missed you so much and I'm happy that your safe. But sad that you didn't tell me in the moment.. Of course you won you're Liam fucking Johnson and I need to know what happened.. Give me another letter!
I have questions.
How long was you in there?
What happened?
How many was it?
Why did it take you so long to tell me Liam? Do you not love me?.. I'll understand I just need to know..
I understand that you want me to move on and be happy but you don't need to push me away completely. I want to be here for you Liam, like how you would be if it was me. Please just talk to me.
I love you Always and Forever.
Your Stacey Johnson XXXXX

I fold, spray and put it into an envelope and then my purse. Putting my shoes back on to go post the letter. I hope I get a reply soon. I hate waiting..

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now