The Accident

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The sunlight shines through the curtains causing Tommy to wake up. Tommy stands up to Change. He changed into his Red-White T-Shirt and Jeans, he then goes downstairs to eat breakfast. Surprisingly he was the first one to be awake. Wilbur woke up just a few minutes later.

Tommy's POV

After I made breakfast Wilbur came downstairs. ,,Good Morning Wil!''

He still looked very tired so I didn't bother him with any Questions.

No one's POV
The two brothers ate Breakfast together, they talked about random things like Girls or love life.
After they finished breakfast Tommy went outside to talk to Sapnap.

Sapnap's POV

Today isn't just a normal day today is the day something big will happen Tommy told me to wait here. I already see Tommy over there.
,,Hey Tommy! Are you ready for this day?'' He just nodded.

Tommy's POV

Sapnap planned a revolution the only twist is that we can't hurt someone I'm fine with that actually.
,,So when are we going to start the revolution Sapnap?" . ,,Soon Tommy we just need to get the stuff from my Basement" Sapnap said.

No one's POV
After walking for Hours they Finally arrived at a small house in the middle of the nowhere. Tommy was just excited to be Part of something that maybe will be the start of a new Nation. After they got all the stuff they went back to L'manburg they only needed to wait till it's dark.

At 9 PM

It was already dark outside so it was the perfect timing to start the revolution. They got ready. But something was wrong with Sapnap it's like he had other plans.

Sapnap's POV

,,Hey Tommy drink this ok?" I said to Tommy, Tommy drank the drink and then continued on his way.
Since I have 3 Canon lives I can make Tommy kill me.

No one's POV

Tommy continued walking forward to his spot. He felt a little bit weird but ignored it anyway. After some time he just was bored but he still stayed at his spot. When he saw that the sun was already rising be decided to go back but only to get attacked he killed Sapnap by accident he couldn't see who it was he didn't knew what just happened....he was so confused.

Tubbo's POV
,,TOMMY! What-What is wrong with you?! Why did you kill him!" I was so scared and shocked at the same time I-I didn't knew what just happened. Tommy looked around confused as he wouldn't see me. Luckily Sapnap still has 2 Canon lives left. ,,Take Tommy with us" I said.

A few minutes later
,,Tommy! As the President of L'manburg I can't let things like that happen. I can't let people kill each other! That's one of the rules, one of the rules that Noone should break. But your to young to go to jail Tommy so the only fair thing for you and L'manburg is...for you getting exiled. So say your goodbyes to the ones you care about because you won't see them again Tommy." It felt wrong but at the same time it was the right thing to do I can't let him just kill someone without getting a consequence that wouldn't be fair.

No one's POV

Tommy said his Goodbyes to his family and friend's. They put Tommy a blindfold on so he wouldn't know how to get back to L'manburg.
They walked for hours ending up in the middle of the nowhere leaving Tommy alone by himself. But even if they thought Tommy was now alone, in reality something was watching him. But if he would know what was near him he probably would have left this place.

Tommy's POV

I took the blindfold off it was pretty hard to see something first but my eyes got used to it pretty fast. I was in a forest, I heard water nearby and animals. This place doesn't seem to be that bad. But still it hurts my head hurts so bad I could swear It feels like I'm dying. All I know is that I feel dizzy like really dizzy right now it's so hard to just stand. What was in that drink? Is it poisend? Are there drugs in it? I saw someone... it looked like a human but before I could say something everything went black.

(Hope you guys enjoyed the first Chapter!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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