Chapter 139

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Four days later

Looking in the mirror at myself I'm totally feeling pampering myself today. Sian and Kai are in the bakery to give me a day off and I'm grateful to just have a break again. I Google the nearest salons that do everything and and find a place called Angel's that isn't to far from here. I'm sold the reviews are good too. Heading down the stairs I jump into my car and head off to this Angel's as they have walk ins available..

Climbing out my car parked up across the street I run across the road and head inside to a beautiful salon. Wow.
"Hi, welcome to Angel's, what can I help you with hun" a girl around my age says smiling at me.
I tell her everything I want done and she nods asking for me to take a seat.

"Hi, I'm Natasha and I'll be your stylist today" a woman in her 20s says and looks at my hair and smiles at me.
"Hi, I'm Stacey, I just want it washing and cutting, my ends. And maybe bangs" I tell her and she nods happily.
"Let's get you started then babe" she says as someone collects my bag and coat.
As Natasha's washing my hair, I close my eyes enjoying the head massage. Suddenly wrapping a towel around my head, she escorts me over to a chair and starts to brush my hair..

"Oh my god I love it, thanks girl" I tell her grinning in the mirror
"Now let's do your nails" she says leading me over to a nail bar.
"What colour you want babe?" she asks me
"Blush pink with a gold patten" I tell her and she gets up to grab the nail varnish and I sit there wishing I was doing all this for Liam.. Instead I'm attracting attention.
After painting and patterning my toe nails the same as my hands. I sit there in dryers waiting for them to dry so I can get me eyebrows and eyelashes down soon..

Finally finishing I step out of Angel's feeling like a new woman. I walk around the shops looking for a new outfit to wear and come aross a blush two peice set. Matches my nails too and I want some new trainers.. Walking around I find blush pink Adidas trainers and buy them to.
Exiting out the shop happy with my purchases I see Victor walking in my direction. Fuck!
"Baby girl" he says stopping in front of me. I'm not as cringed out as the last time I heard it. But I still don't want to hear it. It's awkward.
"Victor I'm not" I say sighing and he just looks at me.
"I like your hair" he says and I smile. At least someone does. Even if it is Victor.
"Thanks, just had it done" I tell him flipping it over my shoulder.
"I miss you, how you been?" he asks and something about that made me smile. Weird
"I've been good thanks, how are you?" I lie I could be better but he doesn't need to know that..
"I'm OK, congrats on the bakery aswell" he tells me with a smile and I grin. The only thing I have in my life right now that isn't fucking me over.
"Thanks, I'm doing what I love." I tell him and he nods.
"How's Liam" he asks and rolls his eyes. Do I lie or tell him the truth?
"You know Liam, always up to something" is all I say and I need to leave this awkward moment.
"Can I take you out sometime?" he asks and I pause looking at him.
"That's not a good idea Victor" I tell him and he sighs..
"OK Stacey, I'll see you around" he says looking defeated. I walk away and head towards my car. I need a fucking drink.

Hearing my phone ring I pull over and answer it quickly.
"Hello" I say not checking and I hear a heavy sigh. My baby instantly smiling knowing it's him.
"Stacey.." he starts and I sigh great more bad news..
"What now Liam?" I ask
"I got your letter today" he says sighing.
"Your not living your life like you said you would." he says and I sigh heavily putting my head down.
"I can't do it Liam, I only want you" I tell him teary eyed.
"And that's makes me happy to hear baby, but you have to try for me.. Please" he says and I shake my head.
"And if you really try. Like give it your all I promise to ring you every Wednesday so that you know I'm OK" he says and I perk up gasping..
"Do we have a deal beautiful?" he asks and I sigh conflicted. Like I really don't wana move on. But I NEED to talk to him.
"I have to talk to you" I say giving him my answer.
"I can't believe you agreed straight away baby. Thank you that makes me happy" he tells me and I sigh
"I did give in straight away because I miss you and I'll do anything to make you happy" I tell him and he sighs.
"Baby please, let's not make this harder than it is" he says and I just want to scream at him more but he'll only hang up and go away again..
"I'm sorry, how are you?" I ask him generally concerned for my king.
"I'm surviving, how are you, honestly" he asks me and I sigh.
"I miss you like crazy and I need to see you and I can't.. Soo that's my life right now" I tell him.
"Now you tell me honestly how you are baby"
I ask him and he sighs and I hear a loud trump..
"Baby what else can I do to help you move on" he asks and I shake my head again. I can't move on my heart hurts.
"I miss you to, its driving me insane. I hate it in here.. I miss being able to just relax and I'm constantly on alert and it's pissing me off" he tells me sighing like he feels better now it's off his chest.
"I can't move on, but I promise you I will try, you'll be out soon baby and I will be waiting" I tell him and he groans at me.
"Thank you for saying you'll try, I'll ring you Wednesday around 12pm. I love you Stacey Johnson" he says and I squeal a little making him laugh. He fucking said it
"I love you so much baby, talk soon bye mwah" I say blowing a kiss and put the phone down. Oh my god he's calling me every week. It's better than nothing..

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now