The Accident

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[Tommy's POV]

The boy swooped under tree branches, whooping every time he dodged one.

Tommy hadn't felt this free in a while.

His blonde hair hit against his flushed face, he was so getting in trouble when he got back to the orphanage. Tommy was an orphan, his parents had been taken out of the question when he was 6 and he had been in the orphanage ever since. Hybrids weren't uncommon, but avains like himself however were. The owners of the orphange had told him never to fly alone, they had said people would take his ruby wings, rip off the feathers and make them into jewelry, chop his wings off and turn them into a trophy. And Tommy believed them.

But his wings itched, his soul begged for a short release, a quick fly through the trees where no one could see or hurt him.

He closed his sky blue eyes, letting the air and his instincts take over for a short second. Wrong choice.


Tommy's arm was cut by a branch, causing him to yelp in pain. His eyes shot open as he continued to fly, attempting to asess the damadge on his arm. Distracted by the injury he didn't notice the one of the trees large arms extended right in front of him.
The branch hit him directly in the stomach, causing him to stop flapping his wings.

Tommy began falling through the branches, particually sharp ones would cut through his skin and jab at his wings. He knocked his head off the trunk before hittimg tbe ground. Warm red blood oozed from the back off his head and flowed from the cuts in his arms.

The avian lay there hopeless, he had chosen a path no one knew about, he had made sure of it. He was going to die here, he was going to slowly bleed out on the ground until some unfortunate traveller found his red stained body. He looked to his left, hoping to see some sort of animal or flower before his life came to a close. Instead running towards him was a tall figure dressed in an icy blue with a burgundy cloak flowing behing him. Tommy couldn't make up all of the persons features but he smiled. Maybe this wasn't the end.


[Wilbur's POV]

It had been a late summers day when Prince Wilbur Soot of The Artic Empire decided to take a quick ride through the woods. The path he took with his horse was abandoned, dense trees completely surrpunded the place, weeds covered the dirt path that had been abandoned and recovered by mother nature. He had been riding through this path when he heard a scream, the prince had tensed up but after hearing a loud crash decided that a person must be in danger, and Wilbur wasn't about to let someone get injured.

Wilbur snapped the reigns of his horse making it gallop to where he heard the noise. When he had arrived near to where the noise had orginated a skinny boy was slumped against a tree.


Blood was dripping down his neck and arms, the injuries on his arms weren't as bad as what the prince assumed was the back of his head. Large crimson wings pertuded from the blondes back, he looked no younger then 15. Wilbur's body spurred into action, leaping from his horse he immediately ran to the teen that was laying against a the spruce tree blood covered.


The boy turned his head to the left, upon seeing the paniced prince he had smiled weakly at him before his eyes fluttered shut. Wilbur wasn't thinking as he lifted the avian into his arms, all he knew was that he needed a doctor and quick. The brunette ran all the way back to his horse, hopping on and turning round before making the horse break into a gallop. He lay the injured boy against his chest, focusing on his laboured breathing incase it stopped at any point. The horse's hooves clopped against the cobblestone path in the village as they got closer and closer to the castle in which he, his brother and his father lived. You'll be ok. Wilbur thought as he approached the gates, the guards opening the entrance for him. As soon as he entered the castle walls he hopped off his horse, still holding the blonde in his arms, not bothering to take it to the stable. He hoped the stable boys would take it for him.

Wilbur ran up the marble stairs, carefully making sure he wouldn't trip. The prince kicked open one of the large spruce doors that served as an entrance.

"I need a doctor!" he screamed, all the maids and butlers in his vicinity turned their head round to see why their prince would need a doctor only to see him holding a bleeding boy. Maids surrounded Wilbur and carefully took the winged teen from his arms before rushing to the medical ward. Prime he hoped the boy he saved would be ok.


yay! first chapter done! Heads up trigger warnings will be where they need to be for certain things like gore, death, murder ect basic stuff i plan to impliment at some point. i really hope you enjoyed this!

word count: 905.

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