Chapter 141

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"Oh my god I can't believe it's Wednesday already, I'm so excited to talk to him but he's gonna ask about Victor babe" I say to Sian and she sighs..
"It's best if it comes from you, you can keep him calm" she says and I laugh.
"It doesn't work like that babes I need to be with him.. Touching him" I say and depress myself at my words. I haven't seen him for 8 months and I miss him like crazy.
"Well either way you have to tell him today, stop putting it off" she says and I sigh.
"I'll tell him. I need to go he'll be calling soon. I need to prepare myself" I tell her and she laughs.
"Alright, bye babes" she says and we hang up.

I sit in my bed leg rocking anxiously and my phone suddenly starts to ring. Taking a deep breath I answer it..
"Hey, how are you?" I ask him sounding more cheerily than I intended.. Fake as fuck.. shit!
"What's wrong beautiful? Talk to me" Liam says reading straight through me. It's now or never..
"Erm.. I have something to tell you but I'm scared to tell you baby" I tell him nervously.
"just tell me baby, you have no reason to be scared. I promise I won't lose my head" he says and I sigh needing to tell him regardless.
"I've been fucking Victor baby, I'm so sorry" I tell him and I hear nothing..
"Baby it's OK, don't be sorry. You did as I asked thank you" he says and I sigh heavily.
"I think of you baby" I tell him needing him to know and he groans.
"I'm just happy your happy, please stay that way beautiful" he tells me and I smile. I can't believe he hasn't flipped his shit or hung up even and ended up down the hole again.
What the fuck is happening whys he so calm? I'm confused.. But glad he's OK.
"I'm really trying to be happy, but it's hard without you" I tell him and he sighs..
"Keep trying, and let's not go down that road" he says sounding emotional. I miss you soo much too baby..
"I'm so proud of the way your handling this baby" I tell him smiling again.
"Thanks beautiful, I won't lie I'm fuming that your fucking that imbecile again but I'm happy your getting what you need" he tells me and I laugh hearing him say it again.
"Thank you for being honest because your being awfully calm Liam" I tell him wondering what he's gonna do when he hangs up.
"Baby, I'm OK.. I promise I just need a day to clear my head I won't do anything stupid I'll call you tomorrow. I love you beautiful. Don't be sad and down, you have no reason to be. I'm proud of you" he says and my heart melts for my baby. Why would I want Victor?
"OK good. I love you to baby, have a good day handsome bye" I tell him and I hang up with a smile on my face.
I can't believe how he just reacted.. I was expecting shouting and banging around then being hung up on. I love him more and more each day that he's gone. I miss him so much my eyes start to water thinking about him. I'm extra happy I get to talk to him tomorrow aswell. I'm not gonna over think by assuming he wants me back I'm just ecstatic that he's letting me back in. I really want to see him.

"Right Lauren, I need a batch of cupcakes with chocolate icing and four loaves of bread" I call out while I serve the customer waiting.
"What can I get you..oh Victor, what you doing here, I'm a little busy" I Usher him to the side while I serve the customer behind him.
"Yes ma'am what can I get you" I ask and she smiles.
"A box of your blueberry sugar doughnuts and the white chocolate gateau please hun" she says and I nod smiling at her and box up her items and exchanging with cash.
"Keep the change" she smiles at me and walks off I see Victor watching me smiling out the corner of my eye and I'm hoping he doesn't get the wrong idea about us. It's just sex untill Liam's out. What is he even doing here.

I serve the queue of customers and walk over to Victor and take a seat.
"What you doing here?" I ask him and he smiles.
"Just thought I'd surprise you at work baby girl" he says all casual smiling at me and I furrow my brows.
"Wait.. We're not dating Victor we just have sex.. You need to stop this or our arrangements off" I warn him and he sighs..
"I miss being with you, outside the bedroom" he tells me and I sigh shaking my head.
"I can't do this right now Victor, I'm at work shit" I say to him and he stands up coming over to me and hugs me. This is what I needed a fucking hug.
"I'm sorry, I needed to see you baby girl" he says and I sigh at the name again. Why won't he just stop..
"You should go, I'll call you OK. Don't be showing up here again unless your buying something" I tell him pulling out of his warm embrace..
"OK, I'll keep that in mind for next time" he winks at me and walks off. Breathing a sigh of relief. I get back to work and help Lauren.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now