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So, who am I? I'm Cecelia Kate Oleson, but people know me as 'that fat bimbo'. Just by that name and you surely know how I look like. Yes, I'm fat. Actually, not that kind of fat obese girl. Let's just say I am on the thicker side and plus size SHEIN is where I click to always. And bimbo? I am kind of clumsy and I ask silly questions sometimes. I guess that makes me look like one.

Anyway, I am obsessively obsessed with one direction! I religiously watch their videos every single day. I'm proud to say that I am Niall's girl.

I go to school just like other girls but the only thing is, I distant myself from people. I have trust issues. There's alot of backstabbers and hypocrites out there. My self-esteem has long gone down the drain and being insecure of my own body definitely makes it worse. I am not confident of myself. Appearance and body shape are what people look at first, let's not lie about that. I know that I do not have gap between my thighs, obvious collarbones and small hips. Oh, society. I believe in fate and I know, something awaits me in the future..

That Fat Bimbo(Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now