Chapter 142

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Two months later

It's my birthday, I scream in my head. I'm officially 20 and I climb out my bed and make my way to the front door knowing I have a letter from Liam. I pick up the pile and flip through pulling Liam's out that's alot bigger today..

Hello beautiful.
Happy birthday I can't believe I'm not there to celebrate with you but I know your smiling and gonna have lots of fun either way. I hope you days full of love and happiness. I wish I could see you today I miss you so much it hurts. Have a rum for me beautiful.. Let your hair down its your fucking birthday HAVE FUN!!
I love you baby so much and I'll call you at some point on your special day to.
Always and Forever
Your Liam XXXXX

I sit there crying happy tears that he made me a beautiful card for my birthday and he just keeps getting better.
I think about the phonecall and when he's going to ring me. I hope it's soon a girl deserves to cum on her birthday..
I decide to write back after we've had our phone call and put his card up in my living room on show because I love it. And the fact that he made it all is even better. My perfect king.
Turning my music up I walk into the bathroom pulling my t-shirt over my head and kicking my shorts off putting them into the hamper. I seriously need to do some washing. Turning the shower on I sing to H.E.R & WIZKID - SMILE
Actually smiling feeling happy that it's my birthday unlike last year.

Standing at my wardrobe looking for something to wear I hear my phone ping.

Sian: Happy birthday babes 🎉🎂🎈
I'll be with you soon. I hope your hungry Xx

Stacey: I'm nearly ready babe.. Starving! see you soon Xx

Hitting send smiling I dance around my room happily flipping through my clothes..
I pull out my two peice set with white shoes and my white bag and look them over.
Putting everything on I snap a few pictures and send them to print now.


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Done. I put my phone down and it suddenly rings.
"Happy birthday baby" Liam shouts as soon as I answer.
"Thank you baby, how are you?" I ask him and I sense a smile.
"Im good baby, I'm so excited for you. I want you to celebrate big and go hard. For the both of us" he tells me and I laugh.
I feel like somethings bothering him but I know he won't tell me today of all days unless it was really important.
"I will I'm going for food and I think Sian's throwing me a party" I tell him giddy with excitement.
"Party timeee beautiful" he calls out and I laugh again I get why people think he's crazy. But he's my crazy..
"Victor and Kai will be coming too" I tell him lightly and I sense him smile again. Happy for me.
"I'm so happy your all getting along, don't do anything I wouldn't" he jokes and I laugh at him again. It feels strange this whole conversation. He's acting like my friend.. Have I been friend zoned for fuck sake..
"Thanks babe.." I say to him to see what he says back..
"Wow baby really. Babe?" he says and chuckles
"Your acting like my friend" I whine and he sighs.
"Baby I'm sorry, it's your birthday be happy. I love you Stacey Johnson" he says
"Smile baby please, you'll never be just a friend to me" he tells me cocky and I laugh. He's not wrong. Thank god.
"I always smile when I'm talking to you baby, thank you so much for the phone call and the card" I tell him grinning happily. And he groans loud. I clench my thighs and feel all hot. Shit I miss my baby.
"Baby, I've gotta go now, have lots of fun and enjoy your day and night, I love you soo much beautiful.. Listen 11pm please remember" he whispers the last part and I get excited. What's happening at 11pm?
"I love you soo much too friend, I miss you baby I took some pictures to send you aswell.. Bye baby mwah" I say and he groans again and we hang up. I miss him.

Walking out to the car after hearing Sian beep I climb in and hug her.
"Happy birthday, you look hot babe" Sian tells me and I smile at her.
"Thanks babe, where we going?" I ask her and she taps her nose and looks to the back where I didn't pay attention to Kai and Victor. I was hoping for a girl's day. At least.
"So what did you get for your birthday.. Anything nice" Kai asks me and I smile.
"A card and phonecall of my baby and that's all I wanted.. Needed" I tell them happily nothing will stop my good mood today.

Arriving at a restaurant Sian checks us in and we're escorted to a table and handed menus. Looking around the restaurant it's quite nice and it looks like there's alot of dates happening here. I hope Victor doesn't think this is a double date. Fuck.
"Who chose this place?" I ask looking at Sian and Kai raises his hand..
"That would of been me. Do you not like it?" Kai asks me raising a brow looking to Victor.
"It's nice, thank you" I tell him and he nods with a small smile.
"Can I get you all drinks" the waiter asks and I nod eagerly. Fucking yes.
"Double rum neat" I tell him and he nods looking at the rest of the group.

"Since when do you drink rum?" Victor asks randomly after a while.
"Long time now" I tell him with a shrug sipping it when all I want to do is down it and ask for the fucking bottle.
"But I thought you loved Bailey's?" he continues and I sigh.
"Doesn't do the job that my life needs" I tell him sighing.
"OK but why rum when whiskeys just as strong?" he questions and I look at him with furrowed brows.
"Because I want rum. Jeez" I say and down my drink thinking fuck sake.
"She drinks rum to make herself feel closer to Liam. Now stop hounding her it's her birthday" Sian says and I smile at her..
"Thanks babe" I tell her and she wraps her arm around me hugging me.
"Have a shot, I think we all need them" she says and I nod. Absolutely!

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