-The meanings of life

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The saying goes that appearances are deceiving. The truth sometimes hides in private places. But until you understand reality, you just assume. Your guessing will be based on your perception. The glass will either be half full or half empty. So your perception has two sides, one bright and one dark. However, you don't know which one will be closer to the truth. And the only way to find out the truth is research. 

That's why I was motivated to explore the forbidden forest. I'd heard a lot of opinions. In fact, some people avoided talking about it. They were trying to forget it. But unfortunately they remained scarred by their memories. I was warned of the dangers. They begged me not to go. They were afraid I wouldn't come back. But my curiosity went beyond hesitation. I was unable to convince myself not to explore the unknown. I wanted my point of view. My own perception of truth. 

 So I stood in front of it. It was in the middle of nowhere. It was surrounded by dead vegetation. The fog covered everything. It was difficult to see the shadows of the wild trees. The climate was so cold, unlike any other place outside the forest. And that foliage was building an impenetrable fence, like it was trying to stop me from approaching it. One last warning about the risk I was taking. That I shouldn't be so close to him. That, maybe this is a fatal mistake. I didn't understand why.

 I went through the barbed fence and proceeded along the path through the forest. I could see how strange this world was. A separate dimension. Here everything was huge, real estate and melancholic. The leaves of the trees were like little sharp pieces of a broken mirror. I could see my uncomfortable gaze as my eyes reflected on them. I was upset by the fact that they looked back at me. I exhaled and turned my gaze low. I was processing the beautiful bushes. I thought they were pretty until I noticed that their leaves were the wings of butterflies pinned to its branches. It didn't look like there was anyone who had placed them there. That was... like they got pinned to this position voluntarily. How sad. When I was a kid, I used to love chasing butterflies. I felt small and weak. Lost and alone. Everything looked alike. Everything was the same. So colorless and monotonous. A gray depressing view. And I saw the same view everywhere. I was wondering if the passage led to a dead end or whether I was walking in a conceivable circle. I was thinking if time had stopped or if I was living in an endless loop. If I was awake or constantly having the same dream on repeat. There was so much silence. I didn't even hear my footsteps. That terrified me. The longer I kept wandering around in the colorless environment, the more I became one with it. 

 I was afraid I'd lose my mind. Everything I saw was starting to change shape. The forest was transformed into a jungle. The trees had multiplied and blocked my way. The tree trunks became more flexible. Like snakes, they were tangling around one another, creating a thick grid that covered the sky. Now everything was immersed in darkness. I glanced behind me. I found there was no way out. I was trapped. So I kept going on my way. I stayed calm. With my intuition, I was trying to walk straight. Some whispers break the monotonous silence. But I ignore them and keep walking forward. Then I heard ironic laughs. I was indifferent. Then screams. I was terrified, but I didn't stop walking. But the screams were getting stronger. They penetrated my mind. They were yelling at me desperately. They were too desperate for help. A mourning. Then silence again. Absolute silence. A creepy silence. That's when I decided to stop. I didn't know if I could take it anymore. I tried to eliminate negative emotions. It was impossible. And as a result... Gradually I became a ghost. Unable to tell the difference between reality and "reality". Was the reality real? What was real?

 "I shouldn't have let you get into the woods. You went too far...," said a dark figure standing behind me. "I was protecting this paranoia from anyone. Because people can't understand. Nothing makes sense, according to their logic. They thought it was a mess. This mess belongs to me. I am chaos. And I'm responsible for keeping it safe. I care about this place because it's so sensitive. And so fragile. It needs care. People can't understand what it's worth. How important it is to me. They want to destroy it. They want to destroy me. They're not interested in helping me. They find it tiring. Some people are trying to take advantage of it. So I decided to keep it a secret. Isolated. It doesn't infect anyone but me. But you... Well, you looked different. Unlike many of you, you were brave. You had the fortitude to face every crazy hallucination. Νever the less... I think I overestimated your potential. Even though you had a lot of promise, you couldn't get over your limits." It sighed. It kept saying, "None of us can endure so much pain... " 

 I was stunned. My voice was gone. I could hardly breathe. My mind couldn't find the right words. Nothing was enough to describe how I felt. Maybe these words had not yet been invented. And I still needed to say so much. I wanted to express how insecure I felt about what I experienced in this forest. And for those voices that had paid off in my mind. I kept listening to them even when I knew there was silence. I had reached the limits of insanity. But... What about the forest guard? Why didn't it decide to save itself and let this forest get lost? It offered us nothing but misery. This place was made by bad memories. And the figure seemed to ignore it. 

 When I came out of my shock, I was about to open my mouth to talk. But something was squeezing my throat. My fingers were hugging it. Something was strangling it. "But how much longer am I going to protect this place? It's only a matter of time before it all goes to waste. There's no point in me bothering anymore. I tried very hard to bring light and life to this forest. None of the seeds I planted bloomed. No sunshine could stay bright for more than a few seconds. It's an unfair effort to wait for a change. Maybe I'm doomed. Other people had come before you. They said they wanted to help. They promised me they'd be there for anything I needed them to do. They insisted I could count on them. That they, like me, loved this forest and envisioned its bright future. And I trusted them. I...was... so... innocent... too... naive.. to understand the trap. I looked at the world with optimism. Unfortunately, I had ignored how cruel it is. merely... I had a desire to make it better. I know I'm not the only person. They had set foot in my forest. But they didn't last long. And that's what disappoints me. Because I didn't give up. I kept fighting even when everyone had abandoned me," the figure whispered, holding her neck with both hands. "But I can't take it anymore. I feel like it's useless now. Because there's never been a reward for what I've done. And it's lost its meaning. There no longer exists a meaning of life, for me."

 I was standing there watching it strangle itself with the feeling that whatever I said would sound banal. Don't do this to yourself. Think clearly. You're stupid if you kill yourself. You're not alone. There are people out there who will love you. I care about you. I can't stand to see you die. Things will get better if you have faith. Nothing would stop it from injuring itself... Unless I gave it hope. A real hope. That it can save herself. There's still meaning in its existence. 

"Before you decide to kill yourself, just listen to me.", I said calmly. "I know how difficult loneliness is. I understand what it's like not to be understood. Yes, it's hard to survive when you don't have anyone. When you feel like you can't trust anyone. Yes, it's hard to survive when you feel like everything's based on you. When you feel you're responsible for the world you're holding in your hands. But you are just a creature. And now you're over your limit. You want your suffering to end. However, it's not too late to begin a fresh start. End your old life and start a new life. I know. It's not a simple thing. You're going to fall a lot. But you will always be able to stand up. Because you're a fighter. You're stronger than you think. Don't you see it? " 

It looked at me with a look of despair. Its hands were now hugging her body as it listened to me carefully. "You're looking to the dark side of reality. But the reality is somewhere in the middle. And you can. There's still hope. If you die now, you'll miss moments you could live in. But if you put the past behind you, things will be different. Cause you're going to look ahead. There won't be anything holding you back. Just leave the forest.", I told it, reaching out my hand. It looked me in the eye. It had a tough decision to make. I knew how important the forest was to it. It couldn't just leave it and follow an unknown person, it'd just met. I waited patiently for its answer and an earthquake unexpectedly broke out. The branches of the tree trembled fast, causing the sharp leaves of the trees. The forest was collapsing. I looked up at the figure. I begged inside that it'd changed its mind. 

The tree trunks were falling. Cracks were forming on the ground. And I was anxious to know its decision. I'd feel guilty if I left it alone. The figure had figured it out. I wouldn't leave without hearing it first. It was turning its head around. It was losing everything it knew. It was losing its futile efforts. It was losing its fight. There wouldn't be anything holding it back. It turned to me and my hand that I offered her. "There is still hope...", it replied. Together we ran along the forest. And we survived. We didn't know what we had left behind. But we survived.

 A lot of people were asking me what's in these secluded forests. I explained to them that I know only my truth. If they want to know their own truth, they'll have to investigate for themselves. Reality is one, the truths you can draw from it many.

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