Painful reminders

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Springtrap's P.O.V

'The poor kid, I wonder why he didn't get as much sleep as he needed to.' I say inside my head. I then feel his head leaning on my shoulder.

"Wake me...when my alarm goes off...okay Springtrap?" He says. I smile at him.

"Okay." I say softly. I then figure that he might get uncomfortable sleeping on my shoulder. So I gently move the top half of his body onto my lap. I see him smile and I can't help but blush a little. He looks so adorable when he sleeps.I run my fingers through his hair. His unusual, white, soft hair. I don't remember the last time I felt this... calm. This kid must have me under a spell. I look down at him, so peaceful. The first kid I ever cared for.

"Sweet dreams Drake." I say with a soft voice.

"Goodnight Springtrap." He says. I watch him fall into a deep sleep. I stroke his hair in a playful manner. Not a lot of time passes before my own eyes feel heavy. I start to close them, that tiring feeling slowly overtaking me. Until eventually I join Drake in dream land.

Its dark... too dark. No dream that starts off like this ends well. I start to hear whispers. Children's whispers.

'Oh well that's just great. It's one of these dreams, just my luck.'

Oh? Look who we have here. Wasn't expecting to see you Springtrap

'God damnit Freddy, what do you want?'

Honestly, I don't know myself

'Where are all your friends?'

I'm not sure, maybe inside those suits!

'Oh, you're gonna bring this up again?'

Yes, of coarse im gonna bring it up again you-

The two of us were interrupted as we hear a door slam. We both look in the direction of where it came from and find a metal door in the darkness. I slowly creep to the door and open it to find a purple man with a knife in his hand, his back faced to a kid with dark brown hair and blue eyes holding a Freddy plushy. This seems firmilliar, a little too firmilliar to be comfortable with. Wait...

"You know how you said you wanted to be a famous singer like Mr Fazbear?" The man says. He then smiles wide and with a quick motion, stabs the kid's chest. "Well now, that wish can come true."

The kid's body then turns white, his eyes go black, streaming with dark grey tears. That's when I realize, that man is me, that kid is Freddy. This isn't a dream, its a memory. A hurtful memory. I look over at Freddy, who seems to be crying over his black tears. I feel ashamed in what I did on that day. The poor kid...

You... You're a monster. I did nothing to deserve the cruel fate you gave me... So then why? Why did you do it?

'I... I don't know... I'm sorry Freddy-'

SHUT UP! I was starting to feel sorry for tormenting you for all these years. But now I remember how you robbed me of my life...

I stare at him, tears starting to fill my eyes.

I swear on my grave... I will make sure that you pay for what you did to us. Just like on that day...

An image then flashes in my mind. An old golden bunny suit, blood covered all over, splattered on the walls, spreading all over the floor. All I can hear is screaming. Pain and agony and regret, all of which are present in his screams. It's a sickening, and awful memory. I cover my mouth with my hands and back away slowly, tears of blood dripping from my eyes.

'No, no, no, no, no! Get out of my head! Please!'


I suddenly open my eyes to find myself in a dark room. I feel something on my lap, its warm and soft, and breathing. I let out a sigh of relief knowing that I'm back to reality. I feel my face, its wet. I must've been crying in my sleep. I look down at the sleeping boy in my lap and carefully lay his head on my chest and hold him close, hoping to get my mind off what I just saw. I was careless with those kids in '89, only with the desire to kill on my mind. But now that I have one as a friend, I'm gonna promise myself that I don't let him get hurt. The last thing I want is to have him die to my hands.

"I promise Drake, I'll keep myself under controll. And as long as I live, I won't ever kill another human soul." I say before closing my eyes and falling asleep again.

Oh... We'll see about that Springtrap...


Hi everybody. Sorry for the chapter being a little short. I know my last one was longer, but with the writer's block that I'm diagnosed with, its gonna take a while to get rid of it. I'll try to get some more ideas for the next chapter, which could take a few days. But hopefully I'll get to upload a new chapter soon. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and I will see you in the next one.

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