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Long black and red robes flowed carelessly in the wind as Cangse Sanren skipped cheerfully up the steps of Cloud Recesses. The snowy mid-December weather making the wind have a spike of chill to it. Her one-year-old daughter held securely in her arms. The mother and daughter duo were at Cloud Recesses to visit Madam Lan and her sons, the two women were childhood friends. Her sons were roughly the same age, Lan Huan the older of the two was four and Lan Zhan was the same age as Wei Ying.

The view of Cloud Recesses was beautiful year-round but during the winter it was breath taking. However, the two were not there for that, Cangse was here to introduce Madam Lan and her sons to Wei Ying. It was the first time that she had brought her daughter to Gusu. When the two had gotten to the Gentian House, they were immediately ushered in by Madam Lan and led to the table in the centre of the room, Lan Zhan was sitting there patiently for his mother to return.

"I don't think that you have met my little A-Ying here." Cangse Sanren stated while gesturing to the young girl sitting in her lap, Madam Lan had sat down on the other side of the table with Lan Zhan back in her lap. Both kids were blissfully unaware of what was going on around them, instead playing the hems of their mother's robes and sleeping, not even understanding that the discussion that their mothers were having could potentially alter their lives forever.

"I have not had the pleasure to meet her yet," Madam Lan replied, "however, I would like to talk to you about what we had been discussing in our letters. I believe that the betrothal is a lovely idea, and it would be the best for A-Zhan's future. I hope that the two of them quite enjoy their time together in the future." Madam Lan lifted Lan Zhan and placed him onto the floor, with Cangse Sanren also lifted her daughter off her lap and placed her next to the other child. The two children entertained themselves with different things on the table while both their mothers walked away. The women went to the porch and sat outside, even thought it was freezing cold the view made up for it, they had to just layer up on wither cloaks to stay warm.

Before long the two knew that the arrangement was going to work out perfectly and that with the right conditions the two children will enjoy each other's company. "We must inform Lan Qiren. Can you please go and get him? He needs to be informed about the betrothal." Madam Lan spoke up while watching the two now completely asleep children through the open door. Cangse Sanren gave a simple nod before standing up and leaving down the snow-covered path. The two adults arrived back the Gentian House around 20 minutes later. The children were still fast asleep, so Madam Lan had moved them to the bed while Cangse was away as well as getting a fresh pot of tea for them.

"Cangse Sanren has started explaining to me what you guys are planning. And I just want to let you know that before you say anything, I want to ensure my nephews happiness so they will have to get to know each other before anything is set in stone." Lan Qiren stated once he had taken a sip of his tea. The women nodded as an answer, fully knowing that this was the best course of action to ensure that when they are older the two would enjoy being around each other.

"if that is the case, I can start to bring A-Ying to Cloud Recesses every month, and if it would be okay with you, she could stay here for a week or so." Cangse started, "It would make sure that her and Lan Zhan are at the same level in academics and cultivation if they learn together." Both Madam Lan and Lan Qiren nodded in agreement with the statement.

"Very well then, I believe that we will be seeing more of your little Wei Ying here for the coming months." Madam Lan exclaimed cheerfully looking over the children fast asleep on the bed.

~Time Skip, One Year~

Cangse Sanren once again was cheerfully skipping up the snowy pathway towards Cloud Recesses to visit Madam Lan, Lan Zhan, and Lan Qiren again. They were coming up from Yunmeng Jiang to talk to Lan Qiren about approving and finalising the betrothal and then informing the elders of the sect. The women know that Lan Qiren was highly concerned of the idea for a betrothal this young, however he had agreed in the end due to how persistent Madam Lan and Cangse Sanren were about the betrothal for the past year. A part of the betrothal was the promise that if anything was to ever happen to Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze that Lan Qiren was to look after Wei Ying.

Over the year, Wei Ying had visited every month for a week, causing Lan Zhan to warm up to her quite a bit. Lan Qiren became very supportive of the betrothal because he saw the huge, positive impact that Wei Ying had on Lan Zhan, and he just wanted the best for his nephews. About a week after Cangse had visited, the betrothal was finalised by Lan Qiren, and he had announced to the sect elders that Lan Zhan and Wei Ying were betrothed to each other. 

Lan Ying - Gusu's Third Jade {permanent hiatus, no longer being updated}Where stories live. Discover now