Chapter 01 : Bad boys brings heaven to you? Or do they?

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Once more.

The air was thick with the sound of bodies colliding, moans harmonizing with each movement. Bathed in the soft red glow of LED lights, two figures were locked in a passionate embrace. She was on all fours, her hands bound behind her, while he surged into her with relentless intensity. His fingers tangled in her hair, and his other hand gripped her waist, coaxing out sinful sounds as he penetrated deeper.

"Aaaahh—damn—nnnggghhh—faster—" Her voice was fragmented, laced with urgency.

A sharp slap sliced through the atmosphere as he struck her, a cry escaping her lips as the sting coursed through her body.

"You wanted it rough, didn't you, babygirl?" he growled, his thrusts growing more fervent.

A deep groan escaped him as she tightened around him, the sensation a mix of pleasure and sweet agony that she welcomed. All that mattered was the fulfillment of their desires.

"I'm cumming—" she gasped.

With one final thrust, he released into the condom, his body trembling as he reached his climax. He let go of her hair, withdrawing slowly, leaving her whimpering at the sudden emptiness. She collapsed onto the mattress, watching him as he disposed of the condom and straightened the bed. Lying on her side, she propped her head up on one hand.

"You were incredible, Taehyun," she said, her voice filled with satisfaction.

He smirked, confidence radiating from him. "I'm always incredible, insert name."

Even after their fervent encounter, he looked effortlessly appealing—his silver bangs tousled over his eyes, lips slightly swollen, and his gaze still smoldering with desire. He slipped into his pajamas and tossed her an oversized hoodie. She regarded it with curiosity.

"What's this?" she asked.

"It's clothing?" he replied, raising an eyebrow.

She rolled her eyes. "Do you want me to wear it?"

"No, cook it," he shot back, a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"How inconsiderate," she muttered as she slipped into the hoodie. Just as she was about to sink into the plush mattress, the door creaked open, making her sit up abruptly.

"Where do you think you're going?" she demanded, her brow knitting together.

"I'm not going anywhere," Taehyun replied.

"I'm telling you to leave before the warden catches you," he insisted, his voice taking on a theatrical tone.

The girl frowned, his expression growing serious. "You want me to leave right after we just had sex?"

She stepped closer, her eyes flickering between his lips and his gaze, but he swatted her hand away, his patience wearing thin.

"Leave. Now," he said firmly.

With a frustrated click of her tongue, she moved toward the door. Once it clicked shut behind her, Taehyun let out a heavy sigh. He walked over to lock it, then flopped back onto his bed, staring at the ceiling. Grabbing the remote, he turned off the LED lights, allowing darkness to envelop him. Soon, sleep claimed him.

Morning arrived all too quickly. Sunlight flooded the room, and panic set in. He rushed through breakfast but still ended up late, forced to stand outside the classroom as punishment. Groaning in frustration, he leaned against the wall while his classmates listened to the lecture inside.

"Everything alright, Kang?" the lecturer asked, his tone stern.

Taehyun straightened up. "No, sir!"

"Good," came the curt reply, prompting another sigh from Taehyun.

After what felt like an eternity, the bell rang for recess. He stretched his stiff muscles, only to be startled when a tall blonde guy draped an arm around his shoulders.

"So, how was the punishment?" Hueningkai teased, a playful grin on his face.

Taehyun rolled his eyes. "Jung Kai, I swear I'll hit you," he warned, his tone calm but tinged with menace.

"Whoa, take it easy!" Hueningkai laughed, raising his hands in a mock gesture of surrender, clearly relishing Taehyun's irritation. They walked into the cafeteria and took their usual seats. While Hueningkai eagerly devoured his sandwich, Taehyun sat quietly, lost in thought.

"What's up with him?" a tall guy with brown hair, Soobin, asked as he approached, his hands full of bread. Hueningkai merely shrugged.

"Taehyun," Soobin called, breaking through Taehyun's reverie.

"Soobin hyung? When did you get here?" Taehyun replied, a bit dazed.

"Just now," Soobin said with a smile.

"So, any news?" Hueningkai inquired, glancing between Taehyun and Soobin. Taehyun avoided their gaze, still wrapped up in his own thoughts.

"Babe?" Hueningkai nudged Soobin, who shook his head.

"I think Taehyun has something to share. He always brings his girlfriends to his dorm since he lives alone," Soobin said with a knowing grin.

Hueningkai shot a teasing look at Taehyun. "Did you have fun last night?" he prodded, causing Taehyun's cheeks to flush.

"Maybe?" Taehyun replied hesitantly.

Hueningkai and Soobin exchanged amused glances. "That sounded more like a question than an answer," Soobin chuckled. Taehyun had a reputation on campus as a bit of a playboy—he frequently brought flings back to his soundproof dorm, always sending them off with the same line afterward.

"'Leave before the warden catches you,'" Hueningkai mocked, imitating Taehyun's usual farewell. Taehyun sighed, rubbing his temple.

"I don't know, hyung. It just doesn't feel exciting anymore. It's getting... dull."

"Maybe that's because you're always the one doing the chasing. What if you were the one being pursued?" Hueningkai suggested with a mischievous grin.

Taehyun's eyes widened in disbelief. Soobin burst into laughter at the absurd idea, doubling over.

"I'm going to hit you with this bread, Hueningkai," Taehyun threatened, though his tone was more exasperated than angry.

Hueningkai quickly ducked behind Soobin, using him as a shield. "Don't hurt my baby," Soobin said dryly, causing Hueningkai to giggle.

"You two are such a couple," Taehyun remarked sarcastically.

"And soon, you'll be one of us," Hueningkai shot back, grinning widely.

"Absolutely not."

"You will."


A tap on his shoulder interrupted their playful banter. Taehyun turned to see a raven-haired guy standing there, looking a bit lost.

"Do you know where class A-3 is?" the newcomer asked.

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