Chapter 144

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Three months later

"Are you still coming tomorrow beautiful?" Liam asks me as I pull out the cakes I'm making Sian for her birthday.
"Absolutely, I've missed you so much it's nearly coming up to a year without seeing you" I tell him sighing. I've missed his face so much. I can't wait to have him holding me again.
"I've missed you too beautiful, I've missed being in your presence. Photos only help so much" he says and I smile. We've stuck to our every Wednesday phone call over the months and he's finally agreed to see me. It took months of constant pestering but I got there in the end.
"I'm so fucking happy" I tell him excitedly
"So am I baby, I can't stop fucking smiling" he tells me and I know the feeling. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much. From the day he told me he's sent out a VO I've been ecstatic.
"I'm glad your happy baby, I do see why you can't be with me. I see the change in you" I tell him happy for him but sad for our relationship.
"Baby, thank you for understanding just remember that this is only temporary" he says and my heart starts beating quicker. I needed to be reasurred with that. But not long left for him to be back with me.
"Knowing your happy baby is making my time in here alot easier. You seem to be really trying to live your live since I've started to call you again, thank you. I'm so proud of you" Liam says and my eyes becoming teary. I have moved on well.. My body has become accustomed to Victor's again but my heart is with Liam always. I can't stop it.
"Im trying for you baby, but you'll always have my heart, I can't love anyone how I love you. It won't let me" I tell him leaning over the counter putting my head in my hand. I don't want to love anyone else. I can't..
"I know you are baby, and that's all I wanted and I'm so fucking happy you still love and want me after all this time. I fucking love you beautiful" he says and I smile slowly.
"I'll always love and want you Liam. It will always be us forever, regardless. You are who I want and love" I tell him making sure he knows.
"Your my world, my queen and I'll always love and want you too" he tells me and I smile thinking the exact same. My king.
"I'll never feel whole untill your back but I'm content with my life baby, you have nothing to worry about. I'll be here when you get out" I tell him smiling at my words staring at the cakes. I am content with everything. I just need him to come home.
"I hope you do beautiful, but if for some reason you don't just know that, that is OK, and I will be happy for you" he tells me and I sigh. All I want is him. I've tried with Victor and I feel nothing. I was kidding myself before trying to get over Liam. But now I've got him back.. Technically.. I don't want anyone else.
"I will be waiting and I don't care how many times I have to repeat myself. I will Liam!" I exclaim needing him to know. He never listens..
"OK baby, well I have to go now and I'll see you tomorrow, enjoy the rest of your day, I love you Stacey Johnson" he says and I smile at his name.
"OK baby, I can't wait to see you. I love you too Always and Forever yours. Bye" I tell him and we hang up. I hate hanging up with him because I never know when the next time it will be.

Washing my hands now I've finished Sian's cake I cover it and move it to the side. I hope she likes it.

I pull out my phone hearing it ping I find a message

Steve: Your not driving down tomorrow. Be ready for 9am. I hope everything's good sweetheart and I'll call you after your visit. Have fun!

Smiling at his text thinking he's the best it's one less thing to stress about. I have no idea how to get to this new prison.

Stacey: Thank you so much! I'm OK thanks I hope you two are. Can't wait for a catch up.

I hit send and put my phone into my purse.
I need a release because I can't see Liam feeling like this. I need to be relaxed with him. I pull my phone back out and text him.

Stacey: Need your help..

Victor: Where and when?

That was fast fucking hell.

Stacey: Now I'm coming to yours?

Victor: I'm here waiting baby girl.

Stacey: Fuck sake Victor 🙄

Victor: I can't help it you'll alway be..

Stacey: See you soon. Be ready!

I hit send and put my phone back into my purse and pull out Liam's car keys. Shit I grabbed the wrong fucking one. Sighing I make my way out the bakery locking up and head to the car.

Pulling up at Victor's I jump out and make my way into Victor's house.
"Where are you?" I call out and he pops his head out the living room entrance with a spliff in his mouth.
"Baby girl, come smoke with me" he says and I sigh rolling my eyes. I didn't come here to hang out.
Walking into him I see he's placed out snacks and a bag of weed and a bottle of baileys. Fuck! Seriously Victor?
"I thought we'd hang out for once, I've missed you baby girl" he says and I sigh again shaking my head.
"We agreed just sex. Why are you changing things?" I ask him dropping down on the sofa. Maybe I should of just got my toys out and had my own fun.
"I know but I want more than just sex" he tells me and I put my head in my hands. Why fucking me..
"I can never give you more than just sex Victor. I've told you this" I sigh and he looks at me sadly.
"Why because of Liam. He's not getting out anytime soon we can be how we was before he ruined it" he says and I look at him pissed..
"Liam tried to save us, you ruined us Victor not my baby.. I should go" I say feeling my hands ready to slap the shit out of him. How dare he blame Liam for his crap.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now