Chapter 146

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Hearing Liam say goodbye was hard. I watched him walk away from me and I silently cried walking to the car, where I'm currently on my way home.
I wipe my eyes knowing I can't break down untill I get home. That's hours away and I don't know how long I can wait. I grab my bag I left in the car hoping to not have to use it and grab the bottle of rum and swig slowly from the bottle letting my tears fall. I can't believe he's actually letting me go. Not even pushing me away this time and theres nothing I can do to change it. He's gone untill I see him again one day. How did this happen? I drink more from the bottle and spark my spliff opening the window a little and close my eyes. I know he's doing this for the right reasons but I'm gonna struggle hard. He's doing this because he loves me.

Pulling up outside the bakery I smile and thank the driver grabbing my stuff and climb out.
Walking through the door I head up in the elevator trying to still hold back. The doors open and I open my apartment and drop to my knees. I let out a loud scream I've been holding in for hours. He's gone. And I have no idea when he's coming back.. If he'll ever come back. I swig from the bottle in my hand and finally let out the crying I've held back.
I curl up on the floor next to my front door and cry my eyes out. How could he just let me go. That easily.. Does he not love me? I drink more while I have these horrid thoughts and cry. Why fucking me?

Sitting up I look around me and sigh. This is me now. I need to get used to it. I pull my phone out and call Steve.
"Hello sweetheart, how did it go?" he asks me and I can hear the hope in his voice.
"We're done, he's let me go" I tell him.
"Fuck!.. He actually let you go and not pushed you away. I'm sorry sweetheart" he says and I sigh. It's always the same he pulls me in and then I end up on my ass.
"I've cried enough, he doesn't want that. I need to live my life Steve" I tell him sad thinking I can't without him.
"You do and I'm hoping your still going to Sian's birthday party tonight.." he asks me and I sigh again.
"I need to go but I'm not wanting all them people around me. But she's been here for me through all of this. Will you come" I ask him and smile.
"Of course I will sweetheart, I'm going nowhere I'm here for you whenever you need" he tells me and I perk up.
"Great, pick me up at 7pm" I tell him getting excited now and he laughs.
"Will do, keep smiling sweetheart. See you soon" he says and we hang up. I need to find something to wear.

"Well don't you look beautiful, sweetheart" Steve says as he enters my apartment

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"Well don't you look beautiful, sweetheart" Steve says as he enters my apartment.
"Aww, thank you. You look different for a change" I tell him with a chuckle and he waves me off..
"You ready to go?" he asks me instead and I nod grabbing my bag.
"Let's do this" I say putting on my brightest smile for him. All I want to do is curl up and cry in my bed and be alone. But Sian's my best friend and I promised her whatever the outcome of the visit I'll come out.
"That's it sweetheart, keep smiling. Knock em' dead!" he says and opens the door for me. I grab the cake, card and present and follow him out.

Arriving at the bar Sian's having her party at I take a deep steadying breath and look at Steve.
"You look beautiful Stacey, hold your head high sweetheart" he tells me with a gentle smile. Smiling back I look out the window and see the many people walking in and out the bar. I need to find my bestie.
Walking into the bar with all her things I spot her standing with Kai not looking to happy. What's wrong I wonder? She notices me and her face lights up with a smile. That's my girl. She comes rushing over to me and hugs me nearly dropping her cake.
Laughing she pulls away and looks me over
"I thought you wasn't going to come. Are you OK babe?" she asks me and the answer is no but I don't say that
"I'm good babe. We can talk another day. It's your fucking party" I scream and she does a little clap giddy.
"Where do you want the cake baby?" Kai comes up and finally takes it from me. She points to the bartender and looks back to me.
"Thanks for doing that babe, I know you have a lot going on. so I appreciate it" she tells me and hugs me again better this time.
"I'd of been offended if you went any where else. Your my best friend of course I'd of baked you a cake. No worries" I tell her remembering talking to Liam while I was doing it.
"Lets get you a drink then" she says dragging me to the bar. I hand her the card and present and she beams with happiness. I knew she wanted the dress but wouldn't pay for it so I got it her. It's the least she deserves for putting up with everything.

After meeting some of Sian's work friends I drank alot and ended up bumping into Victor. Fun..
"You look like you need some fun baby girl" he says and I just want to burst out into tears. I hate it..
"Just stop talking and follow me" I tell him dragging him towards the bathrooms. Pushing him into a cubicle he pulls out a condom and drops his trousers real quick while I hike up my dress. I watch him roll it on to make sure and drunkly spin and lower myself onto him. I close my eyes and imagine Liam to be entering me instead.
"That's it baby girl" he tells me into my ear as I take him all and moan. I wish this was Liam. Why does he have to let me go?
"Just stop talking and fuck me" I tell him not wanting to hear him but Liam.
He builds up his pace and I bounce my ass off of him screwing my eyes closed just wanting to cum and leave. I feel my orgasm start to build and I'm close
"Yes take that dick baby girl" he tells me and all I hear is Liam's voice "imbecile" and I cum with a cry. Fuck!.
I start to feel him throb and grow and I roll my eyes bouncing waiting for him to finish
"FUCK!" he growls and I remember when it used to turn me on. Now I feel repulsed. What the fuck am I doing..

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now