Chapter 147

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Three months later

"Hey Angela" I call out as I walk through the door Jason holds open for me.
"Bye mum, see you Stacey" he says to me and shuts the door behind me.
I walk into the living room to see her looking terrible the worst I've ever seen her. I honestly don't feel like she'll last long enough to see Liam. My poor baby..
"Hi darling, how you doing?" she asks me as I sit down next to her. How am I doing?
"Honestly I'm not doing so great. I miss him Angela" I tell her and she sighs
"He misses you too, your all he talks about still hun" she tells me and I perk up.
"You've spoken to him?" I asked her shocked.
"Every week he calls me to let me know he's OK and to check up on me and talk about you" she says and I feel like crying. He really is just cutting me out of his life. Letting me go.
"At least he's OK and talking to someone" I tell her happy that her sons safe.
"I don't know why he's being stubborn darling when I know he wants you" she tells me and I let a tear slide down my cheek. Why is he doing this. I shouldn't of came here..
"I can't do this Angela. I hope you get better I really do but it's to hard being here. Thankyou for everything you've done for me, I greatly appreciate it" I tell her trying to hold back more tears and she hugs me.
"It's OK sweetheart, I totally understand and just know that your always welcome here please don't give up on him hun. He needs you" she says and I offer her a small smile getting up and give her one last look hoping to see her again one day.

Sitting in my car I let the tears flow for Liam, for Angela. For me.. Why did he let me go when he doesn't actually want to. Why is he asking his mum about me still? What the fuck? It doesn't make sense..
Starting my car I pull off and head home to see my mum. It's been awhile.

"Hey baby, how are you?" my mum calls out seeing me walk in.
"Not great, I've just seen Angela. Mum she looks terrible. It's so sad" I tell her and she looks at me sadly.
"The world's cruel baby, how's the bakery?" she asks grinning.. Proud.
"It's doing good. I hired two people along with Lauren. The place gets really busy for a bakery" I tell her happy thinking about it.
"I'm so proud of you for living your dream baby. Even amongst everything your going through your still happy and doing it. Your dad would be proud of you too" she says and I smile. Not at the dad part because I know Steve is. But I'm happy that I've made my mum proud and not repeating her life.
"Thanks mum, it means alot that you are" I tell her getting up to grab a drink. I make sure she bought a bottle of rum and keeps it here for me and that Macey don't drink it..
"Where's Mace?" I ask her and she sighs.
"School I hope, your dad dying hit her harder baby. Can you talk to her and see where her heads at. She won't listen to me" my mum asks and I nod giving her a smile. Grabbing the bottle and glasses I sit back down and pour us both a drink.
"I'll talk to her mum, don't worry" I tell her and slide the drink over.

It was good catching up with my mum and knowing that she's doing OK too. I do miss living at home sometimes tho. The company was nice.
"Right mum, I'm gonna get going I have a long day tomorrow. I'll see you soon" I say getting up and hugging her.
"OK baby, don't leave it to long next time, I love you" she tells me and I smile.
"I love you too mum, and I won't" I tell her and walk out the house.
Climbing into my car I hear my phone ping and I look at it.

Victor: You dissappeared on me.. Can we talk?

Stacey: Sorry about that, had stuff to deal with. I'll come by now

Victor: I'll be waiting baby girl

Rolling my eyes thinking he's never gonna give up calling me that. I put my phone away and pull off to Victor's..

Knocking on and walking in I see Victor walking towards me and suddenly kisses me. I freeze mid kiss not sure what to do. He pulls away and looks into my eyes.
"I'll always have you Stacey, sex is a bonus" he says sighing and handing me the spliff. Needing it I take it this time and take long drags following him into the living room.
I don't want to move on.. But I'm willing to try. Liam obviously doesn't want me anymore.
"So I was thinking, what harm will it actually do going on a date. Keep your hands to yourself and no kisses. I need to think Victor" I tell him hoping to finally be happy again.
"I'm just happy to be taking you out baby girl, fucking yes!" he beams happily at me and I giggle for the first time in a long time.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now