Chapter 148 Liam's POV

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Nine months later - Release day

I'm finally fucking free. I stand there outside the prison breathing in that fresh air.
"Fuck I've missed this" I say to myself out loud. I look around and see Jason standing at his car waiting for me. Jogging over to him I hug my brother tightly.
"I fucking missed you brother" he says to me and I felt it.
"So did I bro, how's mum?" I ask him needing to know she's good.
"I don't know man, the doctors are constantly there now. But she has perked up knowing your out now" he says and I sigh. I hope she's OK I can't lose her yet. First I need to see my queen.
"Take me to my baby, now!" I demand and he sighs. This shit still.
"Really brother, let's go home to mum, she needs you more" he says and I think wow.. Really. Mum would be pushing me to go to her straight away..
"Just take me to Stacey bro" I say and he sighs and climbs into the car heavily sighing I walk around and climb into the passenger side.
"And step onit Jason" I tell him needing to be there now. I hope she's happy to see me. Shit would I be happy to see me?

"Have you seen her?" I ask him as he gets back into Nottingham. The drive was long..
"Not for months now, I only seen her now and then when she visited anyways" he says and I sigh. Why is she avoiding everyone?

"Just drop me off here, take my stuff home will you" I tell him and he pulls over.
"Thanks for picking me up bro" I tell him grateful.
"Call me and I'll come get you when your done" he says with a nod. Nodding back I climb out the car and stand there up the street looking down at the bakery. Suddenly being flooded with happy emotions I feel a tear roll down and I quickly wipe it away. I've missed her so much and I'm finally seeing her out of that place.. I'm out here now. I'm free! And I'm so fucking proud of her, she did it. My queen actually fucking did it! I walk slowly down the street. And come to a stop just before her bakery and see her smiling happy. Fuck she's beautiful and I've missed that face. I feel my knees go weak and my heart melt and before I know it more happy tears are falling. I need to pull myself together before I see her. I need to be the alpha male I am.. The man she loves. Wiping my face harshly I take a few deep breaths and slowly walk towards the bakery when I see Victor appear out of nowhere. He walks over to her and gives her a hug and we lock eyes quickly and she closes her eyes and I run back up the street sprinting away feeling my heart pound. She actually moved on. I wanna cry. I'm broken that she's moved on and my hearts shattered. But happy that she's happy. My body's at war with each other over my conflicted feelings. But all I feel is pain. I've lost her. To the fucking imbecile. Fuck!

Leaning my head against a brick wall I pull myself together and wipe my eyes. I keep fucking crying and it's pissing me off. I just wanna rip his fucking hands off for touching what's mine.
I take a deep controlled breath and think I need to see her one last time before I go home to my mum.
I walk back down the street and stop at the bakery and see her on her own this time. He must of gone somewhere. Good!
I watch her in her fucking element, serving customers her baked goods. I've never been so proud. I wonder if she sells my chocolate and peanut butter cups? I just stand there watching her smiling. This is all I wanted for her. She's living her life and thriving without me. I can live with that. For her.

Watching customers come and go I see how she keeps the place tidy when it's empty. Always prepared for the next flood.
I look around and see no one as its getting later. How long have I been standing here watching? When the fuck did it get dark? I must of lost time just watching her. Shit!
It's now or never. Just say hi Liam your friends.. You promised.. You can do this, just walk through the door. It's that easy.. I walk up to the door and hover over the handle. I take a deep breath and push the door open slowly. A bell rings alerting her I'm here and I begin to panic. Shit what do I do?
"I'll be with you in a minute" she calls out from the back and I melt hearing her voice again. I've missed you baby. I say to myself. I pull the letter out of my pocket and place it on the counter I quickly scan the bakery with a grin thinking she's done so good for herself and rush over to the door as I hear her come around and I creep out the door and the bell rings again and I rush off. Please get my letter.

Arriving at my mums, I rush into the house and to her side.
"Mum, it's me am here. I've missed you so much mum" I tell her feeling my eyes water again. Fuck this crying shit..
"Son, your finally here, I love you and your home" she tells me and sighs.
"Mum im home, I love you too" I tell her and just climb in the bed with her. Please don't leave me mum.

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