Chapter 149

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"How can.. Or not" I say as I hear the bell ring and the door close again. I look around the bakery and see no one. Weird..
Turning something catches my eye and I grab it to see what it is. Weird things have been happening today. I swear I seen Liam earlier. And I've felt like I've been watched all day but in a good way.. I don't feel scared tho. Opening the envelope I take a seat on the counter and see Liam's handwriting.. Oh my fucking god! Pulling the paper out to read it I begin..

Hello beautiful. I'm out and I just needed to see you. I hope your happy and been living your life to the fullest. I've missed you everyday and to finally see you will be euphoric.. I'm so fucking excited I'm a free man now and I hope I can give you everything I promised. I love you Stacey Johnson and I can't wait to make you my queen. That's what got me though the rest of my time. You baby.
If your reading this but haven't seen me it clearly means I've seen you happy and I won't interfere. I'm sorry baby.
Yours always and Forever Liam XXXXX

I sit there shocked. I knew I fucking seen him. Where is he? I need to see him now. I jump down and turn off everything locking up the bakery grabbing my bag and heading to my car.
Climbing into my car I pull off quick time and debate what to say to him. How could he get out and not see me like hello spying doesnt count. I need to see him. That is technically a broken promise. My baby doesn't do that. Did he see me with Victor? Shit! I've been trying to be happy with Victor for months but he just isn't who I want. I can't do it I need Liam. Sex is one thing but being intimate makes me feel disgusting. I want my baby.. If I can get him alone I will have my baby back.

Arriving at Angela's I take a deep breath and knock on the door.
Looking around I see Jason's car so I know he's in. So I knock again louder. I know Liam's in there.
Suddenly the door opens and Jason steps out closing the door behind him. Weird. I want to see Liam not you. Now he wants to be around me..
"Where's Liam, I need to see him" I demand and he sighs looking sad like he's been crying.
"He's with mum at the hospital Stacey. You need to leave him be" he tells me and I rasie a brow.
"Excuse you.. What's wrong with her?" I ask him and he sighs.
"It's not looking so good, I need to go" he says walking off. I need to know Liam's OK. I can't just show up at the hospital.. Can I?
Leaving I get back in my car and contemplate going to the hospital but decide against it. They need to be together. I'll just take him away from her and I don't want that. I need him to be OK.
Pulling off I make my way home. I need a hot bath.

Standing in my apartment I feel alone and miserable again. Knowing Liam's out there and doesn't want to see me. I turn and walk into the bathroom and start running my bath adding bubbles. I roll myself a spliff and pour myself a rum and light some candles.
Stripping out of my clothes I turn the water off and climb in feeling like shit. He seen me and resisted everything. He doesn't want me. I lay there and let the tears soak my face and grab the glass and drink while I smoke the spliff.
I need to try harder with Victor. I deserve to be happy and I need to remember that love takes time. I need to push myself further. Loving Liam is easily the best thing to do but I need more. It may not be love but hopefully something close to that.
I want to be happy.

After a long soak in the bath I find myself in my bed still alone and miserable. I haven't let Victor in my apartment let alone my fucking bed. It doesn't feel right should that change now I know Liam doesn't want me? I don't know what to do..

Looking at my phone scrolling through pictures depressing my life further. I suddenly get a phone call from a withheld number.
"Hello?" I say and I hear nothing just heavy breathing. Could it be Liam?
"Baby, is that you. I'm here. I love you" I tell him and he sighs..
"Victor? Why you calling me baby?" he asks sounding confused. He definitely saw me with him. Fuck.
"I told you I'd wait for you baby, he means nothing. I want you" I tell him practically begging.
"I seen you with him baby, you was happy. Don't lie to me" he says and I sigh feeling my eyes become watery.
"Baby no. Don't cry answer my question" he says and I sniffle sighing heavily.
"I really tried Liam. But I love and want you. It doesn't compare" I tell him being deadly seriously..
"Fuck! You looked happy I watched you for hours" he tells me and I fucking knew it. I'm not crazy..
"I know you did baby, I could feel you. Please don't push me away" I tell him and he sighs.
"I really need you baby, but please don't do this" he says and I shake my head.
"Noo.. I want you Liam Johnson your not doing this, your a free man and you promised me" I yell at him getting up beginning to pace all I need is for him to get here. He suddenly laughs down the phone and I wanna throttle him but kiss his face to. Fuck sake..
"I've missed your open honesty beautiful, where are you?" he asks and I freeze. Oh my god..
"At my place. Where are you?" I ask him and he groans. Fuck I've missed him I clench my thighs needing him.
"I live above my bakery baby, come to me" I tell him and he groans even louder. Fuck please stop before I explode.
"I'm on my way beautiful" he tells me and hangs up. I scream and jump with excitement. I pull off my pajama and looking through my outfits quickly.
Pulling on my red lingerie quickly then run my fingers through my hair and look myself over in the mirror. I hope he likes it

I sit on my bed anxiously waiting for him to come

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I sit on my bed anxiously waiting for him to come. I check the time and see it's nearly 10pm.. Shit he rang me just before 9pm.. What's he doing? I can't wait to see him tho. Hearing my phone ring I pick it up quickly.
"Baby, where are you?" I ask him breathy and he chuckles.
"Outside coming around the back door now" he says and I jump up nervously except excited.
"I can't wait to see you" he tells me and I feel shy.
"I can't wait to see you too baby, hurry up" I tell him
"OK, in the elevator" he says and hangs up. Putting my phone down I make my way over to the door an open it wide I stand there sorting my hair and wait for the elevator to ping. My nerves are all over the place and then I hear it. 'Ping' the doors open and my feet are suddenly running towards him and I jump into his arms wrapping my arms and legs around him.
"I've missed you so fucking much" I tell him hugging him tight.
"I've missed you too baby" he says holding me tightly, I pull my head back and kiss him hard on the mouth while he walks us back into my apartment kicking the door closed and pinning me against it kissing me passionately.
This is all I've wanted. Him. And only him. My Liam Johnson.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now