Chapter 151 Liam's POV

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Waking up to my queen for the first time in so long feels amazing. I inhale her scent and sigh out happily. I've missed her so much I hold her closer to my hard body hoping she doesn't mind and open my eyes.
She moves around and rolls over to face me opening her eyes.
"Morning baby" she says shyly and I kiss her after wanting to do it for so long..
"Good morning it is" I tell her smiling and snuggle into her more.
"I wanna spend the day watching you downstairs in your element beautiful" I tell her looking down on her smiling.
"I'd love to baby, let's go" she says kissing me and jumping up and out the room. Laughing at her and all I think about is how much she's matured and grown over these years away. We both have I guess. Climbing out the bed, I follow her into the shower.

"I still have some of your clothes so you can put them on yeah?" she says and I nod  not minding walking around in shorts alday.
"I don't mind if you don't beautiful" I tell her and she shrugs tossing shorts at me.
I watch how she struggles pulling up her jeans and enjoy the view. Fucking love her ass. I've missed it so much.
"You enjoying yourself?" she asks me looking back at me and I smirk.
"Always baby, do we have to be dressed" I ask her seductively and she spins biting her lip..
"Don't play, because I want you" she says walking over to me.
"I wanna see you downstairs naked while I fuck you on every surface" I tell her and groan grabbing her ass. She damn sure won't be opening up today by the time I've finished..
"We can cook, and bake but I'm working like you said baby, I need too keep on track still" she tells me and I nod agreeing when all I want is her to myself back home.
"Well you'll have to resist this all day then, because I'm staying in just shorts" I wink at her and she clenchs her thighs..
Fuck, even tho I can't get enough of fucking her it's not all about sex. She makes me happy and calms my fucking beast.. She makes me a better person. I love her..
"Let's go baby, show me your empire my queen" I say to her and she blushes leading me out the door and down the stairs.

"Chocolate peanut butter cups baby?" I ask her praying she says yes.
"Absolutely, I haven't made them in so long, let's start" she says giddy and I smile at her watching her grab all the ingredients. I walk around and look back at her every now and then watching her baking away and smile. This is what makes her happy. She gets lost in her food and puts all her love into whatever she's making.
"Baby, come try this" she calls out and I walk over excited to taste whatever it is she's making. She slowly stuck her finger into my open mouths and I suck the chocolate off of it.
"Mmm I've missed this baby" I tell her enjoying the smooth rich chocolate.
"I'll be back in a minute" she tells me and hands me the spoon to keep stirring.

After five minutes I hear a voice coming from in the bakery and I walk over to the door to listen..
".. Nows not a good time Victor" I hear Stacey say and sigh. What should I do?
"I miss you baby girl, it's been days. You just disappeared" Victor says to her and I decided nows the time to make my appearance.
Strolling out nice and slow, I lock eyes with Victor and he looks me over wide eyed reminds me off people in jail.. Yeah you ain't gonna do shit. Just stare.. Imbecile.
"I see why now" Victor says looking back at Stacey defeated. She's mine dick.
"Is everything OK beautiful" I ask her wrapping my arms around her waist possessively. She melts into my hold and I can't help but smile. She'll always be mine.
"I'm OK baby, did you turn the cooker off?" she asks me and I nod. Of course.
"And Victor I told you what it was.. You knew this day would come" she tells him brutally honest. That's my baby..
"Can we get back to baking my cups now baby?" I ask her and pull her with me.
"You really just gonna walk away from me.. Again?" he asks her and I smirk at him. Just give up mate. Fucking hell..
"I'll see you around Victor, no hard feeling yeah" she says to him and giggles as I tickle her.
"Whatever Stacey" he says and walks out the bakery. Fucking imbecile.

"These are so fucking good baby" I tell her shoving another one into my mouth. I can't get enough of them.. Her. Fuck.
"I'm glad you like them. I only make them for you" she tells me and I grin..
"That makes them extra special baby, I love them" I say kissing her slowly tasting chocolate on her tongue. Feeling my phone vibrate I sigh not wanting this moment to end and I pull away.
"Let me grab this baby" I tell her and answer.
"This better be epic bro" I say to him irritated.
"You need to come home. NOW!" he says and I know it's mum. Fuck.
"I'll be right there" I tell him and hang up.
"Baby, I gotta go. It's my mum" I tell her and she jumps down grabbing her phone and moves towards me.
"Let's go then" she says and I sigh shaking my head.
"It's not looking good, you don't need to be there" I tell her and she grabs my hand.
"I'm not gonna leave your side Liam Johnson" she demands and I sigh.
"Fine, let's go" I tell her and pull her out the door waiting for her to lock up.
I open her door for her and help her in.
Jumping in I speed off praying that my mums gonna be OK.

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