I dont wanna go home yet

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I think Im in love with my best friend.

She's beautiful, 10 times more than any celebrity or star

We met in middle school and now we're seniors in high school.

Its funny how fast time goes by and we don't even seem to notice.

Her name is Hirai Momo and we're currently sneaking out after supposedly saying we were having a sleepover at my house.

"Sana, are you ok? You seem off lately, im worried" she said frowning

"Im fine I've just been thinking of our future and stuff like that" I say with a fake smile

I wish I could tell you how I feel Momo

"I don't want to think about it now though so how about we go get ice cream from our favorite shop and then we can go to our spot" I say trying to change the topic

I held her hand and guided us through out the streets

After buying our ice cream we started going to our special spot

"Momo promise me you wont drift away after we graduate"

She held my hand tightly

"Way to ruin the mood" she says jokingly

"But sure I promise" she states while giving me one of the most beautiful smiles I've seen

I think your smile made me fall for you momo..

"Don't eat so fast, you'll get sick and I don't wanna go home yet" I say teasingly

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