Chapter 152

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"It's gonna be OK baby, she's strong" I tell him rubbing his thigh trying to comfort him when I have no idea what to do. I just know I have to be here.
"Jason said it's bad. Like real bad" he says more to himself like he's trying to convince himself of something.
"We're nearly there baby" I tell him as I drive his car to his mums. I wouldn't let him drive in the mindset he's in he'd kill us all. Rounding the corner I pull over and he jumps out and rushes into the house, me behind him and I stop seeing Jason. He looks so fucking sad.
I grab Liam's hand and give it a gentle squeeze letting him know I'm here for him and walk into his mum.
She lays there and looks weak and fragile. Her breathing slowed right down. She's giving up now Liam's home obviously. Fuck. He still needs her. Please not yet Angela.
"I'm here mum, please don't leave me, I love you" Liam says to her and I feel myself getting emotional.
"Baby, it's going to be OK" she says to him and he gets down to her and holds her. I stand there frozen not knowing what to do.
"Please don't give up mum, I need more time, I'm soo sorry" he says and starts to cry on her. I still don't know what to do.. I take a deep breath and walk around the bed to her leaning over I kiss her on her cheek.
"Goodbye Angela, I'll always be here for him" I tell her with a sad smile. I look to my poor baby and run my hand through his hair and down his cheek offering a small smile. He grabs my hand and gives it a kiss before letting me go. I slowly walk off and look back to them and hes holding her in his arm rocking as he cries.
I walk out the room leaving them because he needs to do this without me and walk back out to Jason.
"It's time if you wanted to go in" I tell Jason and he nods. While there busy I sit there thinking I need to leave. I don't want to leave him but I need to make this about him. He needs to come back to me when he's ready to. I place his car keys on the table and pull out my phone ordering an Uber.

Climbing out the Uber I make my way into the bakery and lock up behind me. Washing my hands I pull out ingredients to bake a bunch of different snacks that are high in protein to help Liam because I know he won't eat. I blend up the mix and add oats making bars out of it. Suddenly hearing knocking I make my way to the door and glance out seeing Victor. This guy does not give up. Opening the door I look at him with a small smile and offer him to come in, closing the door behind him.
"I thought I'd check in" he says looking at me
"I'm OK, and I don't need checking up on Victor" I tell him sighing. He was checking if Liam went..
"He's still here I take it?" he says and looks behind me
"Actually he's not, he's with his dying mum.. Shit!" I stress and he looks back at me with furrowed brows.
"I'm sorry" he says and I sigh. I don't need his apology or sympathy.
"What do you want Victor. I'm a little busy" I tell him and he sighs at me running his hand through his hair.
"We were getting back on track until he showed up again. Are we still going out tonight?" he asks hopeful and I look at him
"Have you not just heard what I just said.. Liam's with his dying mum and you want to know if i'm going out with you.. What the fuck?" I ask him and he sighs again I'm surprised I'm not there with him. I'm doing this for him.
"Just go Victor" I tell him walking towards the door and opening it, he look at me.
"Listen to me baby girl, these aren't your problems" he says and I just push him out the door
"FUCK you!" I yell at him and slam the door in his face, locking it up. The cheek of him.. He really tried to use Liam's line.. About listen. Bless him!

Finishing up wrapping the bars I put them into a box and make my way upstairs seeing Liam sat at my doorstep.
"Baby, why didn't you come down, what's happened?" I ask him concerned
"I seen Victor and she's gone" he states and I sigh hugging him to me.
"I'm so sorry this is happening to you" I tell him and he breaks down wrapping his arms around me.
"I need you baby, please help me" he says and I unlock my door still holding him pulling us up by the door handle with his help.
"I'm here baby, let's get you inside" I tell him kicking the door shut and walking to the sofa. Sitting him down I take off our coats and drop my purse on the table. I run to the kitchen and grab the bottle of rum and offer it to him sitting down.
He pushes the bottle away and shakes his head.
"I just need you baby" he says and pulls me onto him and holds me close.

After laying on his chest for awhile he finally sighs and I look up at him.
"What's your plan baby, I want to help" I tell him and he sighs again.
"I'm doing what my mum wanted" he says and I look at him confused and he kisses my head.
"She told me to come to you. I shouldn't run. But I have to, so I'm going away with Jason and I don't know when I'll be back" he tells me looking sad and I begin to panic he's leaving me again.
"Baby, please don't over think this, my beast is taking over whether I like it or not. I'm feeling to much pain and I can't handle it, I'm sorry" he tells me and I feel my tears falling. He's leaving me again. Why cant he just stay and I can make this better.
"Please don't leave me again" is all I say and he puts his head down.
"This isn't about you baby, I need to do this for me. I'm not leaving you. I will be back just continue how you was beautiful" he tells me and I wipe my eyes feeling confused.
"I don't want you to go again" I tell him and sniffle.
"I need this. If I stay I promise you I'll end up back inside or dead. I need to go somewhere and be free to do me for a while" he says and I sigh understanding.
"I've got Jason so I'm not alone" he adds and I nod happy about that. Atleast he has someone..

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now