Chapter 153

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After spending all night cuddled up on the sofa, in the bath and then in bed we finally got what we wanted all morning, I've never cummed so much one after the other just rolling through.
"FUCK!" I cry out as he slams into me harder that before. Shit.
I arch my back and he grabs my hips fucking into me relentlessly. I know Liam isn't fully here with me as its less love and more pure lust.. Either way I love it.
"Cum. NOW!" he demands and growls so fucking loud I let go and cum the hardest I ever have. That turned me on so fucking much.
He continues to pound into me feeling his dick throb and he pulls out roaring as he finishes off on my ass.
"So fucking sexy" he groans and I just laugh not knowing what to do as I feel his cum trickle down the back of my thighs.
Suddenly being lifted of the bed he spins me in his arms facing him and kisses me passionately. As we pull apart I look into the black orbs of his eyes and smile. I love him regardless of how dark he is..

After showering and getting ready I watch as Liam bills himself a spliff, nervous as fuck to hear that he's going. He's just acting normal. I don't understand his emotions right now. He's happy yet sad. It's throwing me all over the place.
"Baby will you stop staring and tell me what's on your mind" he says not looking at me and I sigh.
"Your leaving again.. Yet your acting very casual I'm confused" I just tell him and he sighs.
"I'm just acting myself, I'm keeping the beast at bay as best I can" he says and I clench my thighs thinking of him.
"I don't mind him" I whisper shyly and he looks at me smirking.
"How could you not he's a delight" he says and laughs but I hear him let out a growl.
"He fucks like one too" I tell him blushing and he growls at me. I feel instantly hot and my underwear soak. Fuck!
"You trying to replace me with the beast baby?" he asks raising his brow and I bite my lip watching his eyes change again.
"Never, but he comes with you so bonus for me" I tell him and wink making him laugh. It's so good to see him laughing even if it was stupid..
"Yes, all of me is for you baby. Let's do something beautiful" he says and I smile.
"Let's just go for a walk and see where we end up" I tell him and he nods pulling on trainers and standing with the spliff.

"I really want to come with you baby" I tell him sad that this is my last time with him untill God knows when.
"I know you do baby, but you have your bakery to think about. Your settled and have a life here, please continue to live it beautiful" he says and I sigh. He's right but I'd give it all up in a heart beat to be with him but I know he'd never allow that.
"It just sucks that your going. I'll miss you all over again" I tell him feeling emotional. My life is one big cry me a river.
"I wish I didn't have to do this but it's for the best baby, I will be back" he tells me and stops me.
"I love you Stacey Johnson and I can't wait to have you back" he says and I feel the tears fall. He wipes them away and kisses me hugging me to him tightly. I wrap my arm around him and hold him tightly.
We just stand there holding each other while I silently cry and he pulls away looking down at me.
"Smile baby, this is a happy goodbye" he says and I shake my head at him.
"It's not happy if your leaving again" I tell him and wipe my eyes.
"Baby please, don't be you just for once make this easy for me. I need to go" he says and I nod my head.
"OK, I love you and I'll see you soon" I tell him holding back my tears and standing there.
"I fucking love you too and you will definitely be seeing me. I can't survive without you, I just need to get my shit together and I'll come back to you baby I promise" he says and kisses me pulling me in close sliding his tongue into my mouth. I grab the back of his neck and kiss him back with everything I have for him and he groans. I'll miss you Liam Johnson.
Pulling apart breathing heavily I look into his eyes and smile. This is what he wants.
He smiles back and I watch his eyes change to black and I know his beasts being released now. He growls at me then winks.
"Goodbye Stacey" he growls and turns to walk away. He's gone again. I turn and walk back home to my place that's now full of him. Every fucking room will remind me of him. I know longer have a Liam free zone. I thought he'd stay with me now.. Forever. What do I do now? I hope he does keep his promise and come back to me..
I can't live without him. My King. Always and Forever!

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now