Robin's side of the story

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I hated being a sidekick. Batman always made me do chores like feeding his fish. You only have to sprinkle it. I always wanted to be the leader of a bunch of super heroes.

I asked Batman if I can make my own team. At first he thought I was going to fail and I would not find anyone with powers. Until he just said yes. But he said I have to take care of the bat cave when he is gone. I just said yes and packed my bags.

So I got on my motorcycle and drove away. Until I saw a sad green cat in the trees(there are no cats that are green) A girl in a cloak fighting off some monster,a boy that is 1% human 99% robot,and a beautiful space alien girl come out of a crashed space ship. The green cat turned back into a green human. I thought they were perfect for the team. I called this team "Teen Titans".

Until I saw a group of super villains coming out of a bank. One was a flying baby who was Gizmo,a boy who makes millions of himself which was Billy Numerous. A girl who had pink hair and broke stuff with pink fire which was Jinx. A boy with one eye and shot lasers out of his eye which was See More. And a giant who was Mammoth. I asked the other teen titans what their names were. The pretty space alien said it was Starfire. The green boy was Beast Boy. The robot said he was Cyborg. The demon said she was Raven.

As we began fighting I hurt Gizmo with my staff. Beast Boy turned into a bull and chased Mammoth. Cyborg shot Billy Numerous with his laser eye. Starfire shot See More with green fire. Raven levitated Jinx.

Interview with Robin
(Me):Why did you start the Teen Titans?

(Robin):Because Batman was boring!

(Me):When you saw Beast Boy,Starfire,Cyborg,and Raven what did you think?

(Robin):Well I knew they had super powers,and they fought off the H.I.V.E. so awesome.

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