Star to Wings

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Kinomoto Sakura, currently at her first year in middle school, successor of Clow Reed who is one of the most powerful magician, owner of the Clow Cards now turned into Sakura Cards and creator of the Clear Cards born from her own powers, was completely at loss over what was going on.

It was the long awaited Parents Day at the Tomoeda Middle School she was currently attending, and much to her delight her kind and gentle father, Kinomoto Fujitaka, had especially made some free time in his busy schedule to attend it for her sake. She was currently speaking with Daidouji Sonomi, her best friend Tomoyo's mother, along with Tomoyo herself and the recently transferred student in their class, Shinomoto Akiho.

Everything was going well when suddenly, the world turned black, for everything besides her.

Sakura suddenly felt a strong wave of nostalgia mixed with an immense worry as she was immediately reminded of the time when she faced Eriol, who put all of Tomoeda to sleep, for the sake of making her turn the two few Clow Cards into Sakura Cards.

However the difference is that nobody was asleep, but they weren't moving either. It was as if they were turned in the same color as the dark world, yet they were mimicking the same actions they did before it happened... As if they were frozen in time.

It wasn't the work of the Time Card, otherwise she would have definitely noticed it, besides it was Syaoran who had her Sakura Cards in his possession, and she would have hardly imagined him to do such a thing.


Feeling two strong sources of magic power gathering above her, Sakura quickly looked upward and then widened her eyes in shock as she mumbled weakly the names of the two persons presents: "―Syaoran-kun...? Kaito-san...?" Moreover it was two people she was strongly familiar with.

Yes, above her, on two opposite trees' branches were standing both Li Syaoran, her boyfriend, and Yuna D. Kaito, Akiho's butler. Both of them were armed, Syaoran with his Chinese Jian sword and Kaito with a staff with its head shaped like some kind of clock or gear. And just like her, it seems that they could still move in that weird, silent space that extends itself to the horizon.

""...!"" It seems that they still managed to hear her weak mumbling (or was it because the world around them was silent?), this caused both of them to stop the spells they were preparing to throw at each other, cancelling the magic gathered around them and look at her in shock.

However Kaito's expression soon turned into an understanding one as if he immediately realized something he should have overseen before it transformed into his usual mysterious smile, "I'd intended to wave a spell so strong... as to freeze all but the Young Master Li in their tracks. I should have known, Sakura-san."

Upon hearing his words, Sakura's eyes widened and a frown appeared on her face, but she didn't have the time to even ask anything as a magic circle appeared in front of him and was gathering magic power all around him, even though he didn't do any particular movement with his staff!

"...?!" Sensing an incoming danger directing itself towards Sakura, Syaoran immediately the two most powerful Sakura Cards in his possession from his pocket in a fluid and rapid movement, he didn't even check them and there was no need, even though they knew they would be the most suited for this action.

"Light! Dark!" He summoned them as he invoked their names and they formed themselves, turning from card to a physical shape. Immediately in front of Sakura, two women appeared, guarding their original mistress with fierce protection, ready to anticipate any kind of attack towards her.

The one at the right is regally dressed with long, straight, black hair. She wears a spiked crown and has five gems spread across her neckline.

While the one is elegant and richly dressed with lengthy, curled, pale hair. She wears a spiked crown with a stylish dress and a sun printed above her chest.

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