This story is about the conjuring and I'm sure everyone has seen the movies or even heard about it well here's the back stories toe each one and I am going to start with the first conjuring about the house.
In 1970 paranormal investigators and demonologist Lorraine and Ed Warren were called to the Perrons. The Perrons and their 5 daughters recently moved into a secluded farmhouse where supernatural presence has made itself known. The manifestations are relatively benign at first, events soon escalate in horrifying fashion, especially after the Warrens discover the houses macabre history.
So now you know the backstory and what was said to be based on the true events and a story here is what really happen.
The pervious owner of the house today is Cory and Jennifer Heinzen they bought the farmhouse formerly known as the Old Arnold estate in June of 2019 and have already documented several instances of paranormal activity.
Some people might be like right now oh that's all fake well at first I believed it and then I watched this documentary where they told me all different facts and said that the house was never haunted and said that the events that took place in that house was all fake and that nothing ever happened in that house I was kind of upset because I always have loved learning about the conjuring. After reading everything about what has happened in that house with the previous owners I totally believe in it now.
the real story about the conjuring
Horrorif you like scry stories and finding out the real meanings and if they are really real this is the perfect book