The beginning

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Sasha: No matter what the result is you'll stay, right?

Seth gulped and chose to ignore her as if he hadn't heard a thining. Seth hates kids and always will while Sasha's wanted kids her whole life, this test could ruin either one of their days. Sasha; Seth look at me and tell me you want leave.

Seth; Why should i lie? Sasha i don't want kids, i hate them.

Sasha; Oh let me guess, this is all my fault just like everything else. I'm sorry that you act like you aren't part of the reason i could possibly be pregnant!

Seth; You know what, I don't care what the result is! I'm done with you.

*The timer goes off and Sasha looks down at the test* Sasha; Your gonna leave me and your baby?

Seth; Yes, yes i am.

Sasha;Seth no, we can fix this I promise.

Seth; Can we, Sasha? 

Seth left the bathroom and begain packing his things, That's when Sasha realized he wasn't joking.

Sasha: So your going to sit here and act like you didn't help me make this baby?

Seth: I'm going to sit here and be quiet so I don't say something I might regret.

Sasha; You are such a horrible husband, anyone else would have changed their mindset but no! I undertand you don't like kids but you can't even change for your own?

Seth once again ignored her and left the house. Their she was, alone and heart broken.

(9 months later and at court)

Sasha: So you have missed my whole entire pregnancy and now that I'm nearly due you want her every other weekend? How is this alright?!

Seth: Like you said, she's my baby too.

Sasha; Yes she will always be your baby too but you couldn't have picked a worse time to bring me to court! Seth, I am days away from popping and instead of proving you've changed your bring childish.

Seth; I miss you, okay?! I thought that maybe i'd be able to see you more often if I got her every other weekend.

Sasha sat silently, trying to procces what he just said. He still loves her.

First chapter, I hope you guys like this

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