Be On the In Crowd(On Hold)

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Chapter 1: The Meeting

   I was never the kind of girl to be on the "in", I have always been one of those girls that was talked about at school or looked at in a funny way by all the popular kids, that's just how it's been all my life. I never knew what it felt like to be special. I was always that one kid who talked a lot and had a bunch of people that just pretended to be friends when they all wanted me to shut up and go away. I mean sure I had some close friends but never a real best friend who i could be my weird self and not give a damn about it and just be a kook. Now I’m just sitting here reminiscing about my boring childhood during the MOST boring history lesson I've ever attended. Learning about the civil war is not exactly what a teenage girl wants to be doing on a Friday at two o'clock in the afternoon, granted we had just come back from summer vacation. This week was so hectic with coming back to school and seeing the people you didn’t see over summer break, lots of catching up to do and even more school work to dive into. I have already gotten assigned Algebra 2 homework I had no idea what the f*ck I was doing and now I’m betting that I’m going to be assigned a paper to write about on The Civil War.

   I had started to doze off in class when my best friend Veronica tapped me on the shoulder and said "Chloe wake up!” I was still mildly disoriented so it caused me to jump a bit and said “I’m up, sorry, but Ms. Carlisle is teaching the most boring class ever!". Ms. Carlisle is an older later that looked to be about sixty and she had a very one tone fits all situations kind of voices on word to describe her voice… monotone, kind of like if you were talking to a robot. I'm surprised nobody else was sleeping; I guess I’m the only one that had that 2:30 feeling, when it’s the middle of the day but you feel as if you could go to sleep for like a thousand year then more. “Did you pay attention at all during class today?" Veronica asked me. She gave me a stern look, because we had said we were going to work hard on grades this year. "Nope, I have been in lala land all period, can I borrow your notes?" I am looking at her with a somewhat fake puppy dog faced pout. "Fine" she said as she handed me her notes and just as I took them, the bell rang signaling the end of the day.


   I have started to walk out of Ms. Carlisle’s classroom when I accidently bump into someone; I look up to see a pair of chocolate brown eyes looking at me with a blend of surprise and mystery. "I'm sorry; I didn’t mean to bump into you. As I take a better look at the person I’ve bumped into I realize how utterly breathtaking he is, he is so fine! I don't think I’ve seen him around at school, maybe he's a transfer student. "It’s Fine, you okay?" he says with a hint of concern. "Yeah I’m okay, are you new here I don't think that I have seen you around before." I ask more as a question than a statement. "I'm Chloe Doyle by the way" I realize I’m looking at him with a quite eager expression, so I look away. “Luke, Luke Waters I just moved here from out of state." I wonder why he had to move, maybe I’ll find out later. What should I say next I thought... I mean I don’t want to look like a complete idiot in front of this totally gorgeous guy. He had that kind of dangerous and mysterious look about him but I decided to overlook it. I mean I’m a teenage girl with unfortunate raging hormones and he’s hot. Okay now I sound like a girl that only cares about looks. But in reality my ideas are far from it. I have fiery red hair, but not the kind you get out of a bottle from a die job. I also have piercing bright green eyes, almost like the gem stone peridot. But back to the situation at hand, what should I say? “Hey Luke you’re hot and I want to get to know you” …. I don’t think that’ll work.  Stay simple Chloe! Don’t make a damn fool of yourself! “Well maybe I could show you around town and show you where all the cool kids hang out, not like I’m with them-“I cut myself off mid-sentence. Damn it! I now am going to sound like a total loser’’ he looked at me no doubt thinking about why I had stopped talking in the middle of a thought. “I’d like that, I’d like that a lot” Luke said a small smile on his face. “When would you like me to do that? I mean it is Friday after all… maybe this weekend, unless you’re busy… I would totally understand if you had other plans…” I said looking away kind of embarrassed to think I might be interrupting plans he had set for his weekend. After all I barely knew this guy and I’m barging in on his life maybe making plans when a guy like him,(at least it seemed to me) would be busy during the weekend. “How about Sunday afternoon?” he said questioningly. “Sure! Here is my number to get in touch with me” I scribbled my name and cell phone number onto a small piece of paper and handed it to him, he took it with a thankful glance. “And here is mine.” He did the same as I did writing his name on a piece of paper and his number on it.” I took it from him “thank you. Well I guess I’ll be seeing you later Luke. Bye!” I started to turn around and walk away. I could'nt help but smile because i had talked to a boy and it had'nt ended in me feeling like shit about myself, because it had been a short but great conversation, one that made me smile and have hope for Sunday.


Heyy ALL!! Well This is the first chapter of my first and  story i hope you like it! I know its not as long as your probably used to but I'm just trying to make my writing better and as i get better it should get longer and better updates.

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Thank you loveliessss!!!!!!!! mwah xoxoxox

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2013 ⏰

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