Chapter Four

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"So you want to fulfill your promise. As much as I respect that, I don't like this."

The master of the demon slayer core sat in front of you, his twin guides on either side of his chair.

"I knew you wouldn't. But I can't go back on my promise!" You said desperately.

"Very well."

"Really!?" You exclaimed.

"But hear this. I don't want you to become this demon's sister. Instead I want you to earn it's trust and kill it. That way, your honor can be sustained and a demon gone." The master said softly.

You nodded. "Thank you so much. I should get going now, thanks."

You left the mansion, the twins guiding you out. You couldn't decide your emotions. You were glad to sustain your promise, but fear gnawed at the edges of your heart the closer you got back to Natagumo Mountain. You shrugged it off. You're a Hashira. You'll be just fine.

The forest seemed to look darker and bigger than a few months ago. The fog bothered you, you hated not being able to see through something misty.

You passed by a particularly large spider web and ran a finger along the strings. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. When you opened them, you saw a vision, a horrible demon.

It had a demon's head, but a spider's body. You watched as it bit a human and the human turned into a small spider as well. You felt sick as you watched that very spider weave the web in front of you.

After another deep breath you blinked and you were back in the present time. Now you just felt sad for the human. What a horrible way to go...

You didn't really know where to go, so you just wandered further into the forest. You didn't try to call out for that demon to find you. In the moment, you were more scared than you thought you'd be. And there were many more horrifying demons, as various visions showed you. Suddenly a voice broke the silence and you nearly screamed of surprise.

"It took you a very long time to find a hospital."

You whirled around, and there was the demon who had hurt Kioti. "I stayed with him while he recovered," you responded.

He walked closer to you, but you kept your cool. You saw his power when he attacked all those months ago, and you were sure there was more strength where that came from. Still, if there were any problems you could end them quickly.

"My name is Rui," he said as he got even closer. He stopped walking when his face was within a foot of yours.

You felt your stomach churn. Or... flutter? What the heck!? You forced it down. This demon was your captor. Your body was just reacting strangely... the only male you'd ever been this close to was Kioti.

"Tell me yours," the demon demanded.

"Y/n," you said. You felt really confused. The vision you had of that demon's past had shown you his true self and desires. His want for a family, and his distorted image of one. You shouldn't be scared. Why did you feel so nervous?

At the same time you felt sympathy. You had a small urge to give the demon a hug, and fix his problems. But he was a demon! A ruthless monster who killed so many humans, even his own parents. Even if he regretted it, that doesn't mean it didn't happen. Why were you feeling sympathy for him like he was human?

"I like that name," the demon said. Goosebumps broke out along your arm as he ran his fingers down it, grabbing your hand. He looked from your hands back to your eyes, his showing one shining in the moonlight.

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