Been trying hard not to get into trouble
But I can't help it, you see
Not many people understand it, the way I have to
Live fast, scream into the night sky all my
Fear, rage, sadness, restlessness
I stay out late, smile at strangers with
My guilty red lips, eyes flashing lies and promises
Proclaiming my undying love and loyalty to
The first pair of strong arms to give me a home
But we both know I'll be gone by morning
I have an open road I have to get to, after all.
I have secrets, like anyone does.
I live for the exhilaration of speeding down a deserted highway at 100 miles an hour, screaming
Screaming into the cool air of a dusty summer night.
I had a true love, once.
Secrets tore us apart.
I know I loved him then, and I love him still
But he's gone, and I am forever
Kissing away truth and love, because once you know you're about to lose everything...
The past becomes just another red-lipped lie.