Gabriel Fazbear

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Your P.O.V

Oh god. My cheeks feel warm again. I try to cover then but I feel my arms being held down by, something. It's, warm and, fuzzy? I quickly open my eyes and find myself sitting upright, with arms hugging me from behind. I close my eyes and smile innocently once I quickly realize who they belong to.

'Oh Springtrap, you really have grown attached to me didn't you? You're Adorable.' I say in my head. 'But then again, so have I.'

He really is, isn't he?

I quickly open my eyes and get scared half to death, literally. I see a small, snow white, and surprisingly firmilliar spirit in front of me. His eyes are black, dark grey tears flowing down from them. Messy hair tucked away under a top hat. He has a bowtie under his chin. He just seems so firmilliar.

"You... don't I know you from somewhere." I ask him after catching my breath.

I don't know, why don't you tell me

That's when realize that this spirit looks exactly like the one I saw in that nightmare. I honestly forgot that ever happened. But something was different, he was alone this time. Where are the other five kids?

They all had better things to do

"Wait, how did you-" I ask before being cut off.

It's written all over your face

"Wait, you're a spirit. To regular people you're invisible. How can I see you!?" I say slowly and carefully getting out of Springtrap's arms.

Then the answer is simple, you're not like regular people

"Not like regular people? What are you talking about?" I ask.

That purple eye is one reason

Oh right. Spring said, not everyone has a purple eye and the chances of one are one of the lowest. Plus, my eye glows. Pretty much nobody can do that. But, that begs the question, why me? Out of all the seven billion people on this planet, why am I able to do this? And can I controll it? God, so many questions. Then a new one pops into my head.

"Wait, you're one of the dead kids right? Which suit did you get stuffed into?" I ask.

Let me give you a hint...Top hat, bowtie, microphone-

"Freddy?" I say cutting him off.

Wow, steal my thunder why don't you? But yes. You're talking to Mr Fazbear himself

Then all of a sudden I feel that sharp pain in my head again. I hold the side of my head, clenching my jaw and closing my eyes. Then I get a glimpse of a kid with brown hair and blue eyes, wearing a brown hoodie, holding a Freddy plushy. But the image of him is cropped, and on a "missing" poster. It reads:

Have you seen this boy?

Gabriel HudsonAge: 10   Last seen: 18 March 1989

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Gabriel Hudson
Age: 10   Last seen: 18 March 1989

That's what Gabriel looked like when he was alive? He was one adorable kid. But, how did this kid turn into such a lost, lonely, sad, vengeful spirit? I, I need to make sure...

"Gabriel Hudson?" I say. The spirit looks at me in utter surprise.

How do you...How do you know my name?

"I, I got a glimpse of a missing poster with your face on it. I don't know how but..." I say. Then another question pops into my head.

"Your bodies...are they still inside the animatronics?" I ask him.

That's a good question... Go ahead and find out

I then quietly get up and walk out the room and to the stage where, as expected, Freddy, Bonnie and Chica are standing. Dormant. I shudder and look toward Freddy. His blue eyes staring blankly at the wall. Until they light up and look down at me.

"AAAH!" I yelp taking a step back. The animatronic stares at me, clenching his fists. He takes a step towards me, a seemingly angry step.

"Uh, Gabriel, what we you-" I say before being cut off by a hand clenched around my throat. I try gasping for air, but it's near impossible. Then a creepy song starts to play, sounding like its coming from Freddy (If you know, you know) and talks to me in a deep menacing voice.

This is for your own good Drake, now you won't feel the pain we've gone through, and you never will again

'I'm losing air'

'I, can't feel my body...'

'I can't, break, free!'

'I, think I'm dying...'

'I...I am dying...'

I try to scream for help, but I can barely hear anything. This is it...I'm gonna die. I should never have come back here... but, meeting Springtrap... It was worth it. I wonder what heaven will be like? Or maybe I'll meet Satan in Hell? Or will I just be another lonely spirit roaming around this place? Only God knows. I feel a tear stream down my face as I feel my life drift away... as I do however, I see a blurry figure...

Then, everything goes black.


Hello again my springlock bunnies. [That's a fun name] Sorry, for the cliffhanger, but it was essential to add the suspense. Yeah, that's not a good excuse is it? Well, its also because of writers block. I've been stuck lately, so it might take a while to get these ideas into a chapter and do it at my usual standard. But anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed making it. See you in the next one.

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