Prince Charming

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"How do you like your tea, Izzy, Izzy, Izzy, IZZY!? IZZY WAKE UP!" I've been jolted out of my dream where the cute waiter in England is taking my order, again. Funny, I never get past that part.

I look up to see my little brother, Steven, staring at me. "What do you want this time?" I say. "It’s time to get up! School starts in an hour and a half!" Considering that we live forty-five minutes away from the school, this is a REALLY big deal. I jolted out of bed and ran straight to the bathroom. I did a quick shower, brushed my teeth, and curled my hair all in twenty minutes, new record. I hurried too my bedroom and opened my wardrobe. I decided to wear my black skinny jeans with my white "Keep Calm, And Rock" T-Shirt. I ran downstairs and made myself some pancakes. I finished eating, with ten minutes to spare. I decided to sit down in the living room and check my Twitter. Ahh, #MarryMeStyles is trending again. I guess I should tell you, that way back when before Harry was famous, we were actually really good friends. We still text each other all the time, and I've became friends with the other members of the band from when I went down to see him on X-Factor. I text them occasionally, like on holidays and on their birthdays, but I text Harry the most. Well, time to go to school.


I checked my phone, and I had gotten a text from Harry! It read:

Hey, Iz. I have really, really exciting news!

Oh boy, I hope it’s not just about how his new scarf completely complemented his eyes, like last time. I quickly typed up a response:

Sounds good! It better not be like last time! ;-)

He simply retorted:

Haha, nope! This is much more exciting than a scarf. I’ll call you tonight. Bye babes!

And with that, I turned off my phone and walked into the school.

I was at my locker when a pair of broad arms encircled me. Quickly spinning around, I saw it was my boyfriend, Kent. “Hey, baby. How about you give daddy some sugar?” He said while making a kissy face. It made me want to puke. “Hey, Kent. I really don’t have time for this. I’m going to be late for class.” “Well, they’ll just have to wait. Kiss me and I’ll let you go.” As much as I despised it, I gave him a quick peck on the lips, and he released me. He used to be sweet too me, but now he is becoming an obnoxious butt hole. I’m really growing sick of it.

The day went by fast, and before I knew it, Mum was driving me back home again. I had a ton of homework, though. Oh well. At least I’m getting an actual phone call from Harry. I haven’t actually talked to him in months.

I finished my homework after two grueling HOURS of non-stop work. I glanced at the clock and noticed it was already seven. When was Harry going to call me?

At about seven thirty, my phone rang.


“Hey babes!”

“What took you so long to call me?”

“Oh, just band stuff. Are you ready for your big news?”

“Lay it on me!”

“Well, the band is doing some promotional stuff in London.”

My heart dropped. This is the best thing I’ve heard come out of Harry’s mouth in ages.

“London!? I live only ten minutes from there!”

“I know babes! We’re going to be there for a whole four months!”

“Oh my gosh!! Harry! I’m so excited! Why are you staying so long though?”

“We’re going to do some studying at one of the universities and do some recording for the new album. I believe we’re going to be studying at King’s College.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2013 ⏰

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