« twenty-six »

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The last day, the last task. Everyone was nervous as they stood outside in their groups, waiting for the announcer to reveal the final task. A short man with a rich black moustache and casual suit walked out on the open field as the clouds made the atmosphere slightly gloomy. The cameras zoomed in and greeted each group as the rest hyped them up. The cold air nipped at their clothes so they huddled closer to each other, some hugging or snuggling with another group member. A lot of them were carrying thick scarves and shawls. Taeil was looking around as he noticed one person was missing; Doyoung. He adjusted his long scarf as he turned to the person next to him.

"Hey, where's Doyoung?" he asked Johnny, who shrugged and scanned the vast area.

"Wasn't he with you? You share a room."

"Yeah, but when I woke up there was a note on his bed which said 'I'll see you afterwards, don't worry, I'm safe'," responded Taeil before he turned his gaze to the man who started speaking.

"Welcome, to your final task before we decide upon a winner and give the trophy before sending you back to where you came from. Viewers have been extremely excited for the last episode to be released, and have enjoyed watching and voting on different online polls. So far, AXIS is winning, with NCT slightly behind. What's going on with the prestigious group, whose chemistry allows them to win every time?"

"For your final task, you will be required to -"

Suddenly, the sound of sirens blaring filled the air as two police cars drove right into the field, the cameras recording everything. The short man looked offended as he walked up to the two officers who each exited from the cars.

"Excuse me, but this land has been privately hired for this biennial occasion. You have no right to trespass," he scoffed with his arms crossed.

The female officer looked around before loudly announcing, "One of the contestants here is going to be jailed for rape, forgery, and bribery to escape from his sentence."

This immediately caused a ripple of a shock to take over them all. There was a rapist hidden amongst them, but who was it? Ten's eyes bulged out upon hearing the words, and instantly knew who it was.

"His name is Lee Jiho."

"What?" shouted someone from the AXIS team. "It couldn't be. He's done nothing wrong to anyone, how is it him?"

"I mean," spoke up Sakura. "He's given a few of us girls weird stares and tried to approach us. I've asked around a few, I won't reveal who, but from the 28 females here 10 of them have told me they've been touched by him."

The male instantly shut up and went back to his friends, with disappointment and embarrassment written all over his face.

"Where is he?" asked the male officer.

"Oh, he and the other leaders were put in glass boxes which will slowly start filling up with water if their members don't save them," the man said as the last few words came out quietly. "We have to drive over there and turn the lever off at the command station, and the glass cases have already started filling up."

The man revealed the location the leaders were being held. On hearing this, the officers walked briskly over to NCT and took Ten and Taeil, making them enter the police cars as they quickly drove over to the area.

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