The Suburbs

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Chapter One: In the Shadows

  "Officer Penn," a deep voice came from the static filled radio. I continued to sit in the black and white car, waiting for the command that was sure to follow. "Patrol the suburb off of Cleveland Way. Over."

  I shook off the chill that had involuntarily creeped its way down my spine. It seemed I couldn't escape my late suspicions of what went on in the suburbs down the road. Shaking, I reached for the walkie talkie attached to the radio. Clicking the button on the side, I replied curtly, "Roger that. Over."

  I released the button quickly and let the walkie talkie fall from my hand. A nervous bubble had wrenched itself in my gut. It was suddenly hard to breathe.

  Taking two steadying breaths, I shook myself. 'Calm down, Elizabeth. Just breathe. This is what you wanted right? A case. An important case. Well, it looks like you got it.'

  It was only yesterday I had put in my request for a big case that could help my career as an officer. Sheriff Dawn had looked at me with his twinkling large brown eyes. Twirling his mustache, he had said, "You got it, Penn." I had thanked him ten times, each one with more gratitude then the next. He had given me his well known crooked grin, and I had left his office feeling on top of the world.

  Little did I think about how he might assign me a case. I knew he was praised for giving officers cases by where they loved to be on downtime. I hadn't taken into consideration the fact that my patrol car was constantly parked a little down the road from the beginning of the suburbs, so that I could observe the one place that gave me reason to fear.

  Cringing, I adjusted the badge on my chest. I tossed the empty Carl's Jr. bag from my lap and onto the empty seat next to me. Reluctantly, I turned the key that sat in the ignition, starting the engine.

  With a wavering sigh, I worked my way out of the parallel parking space and onto the road.


10 Years Later


  The deep voice of my fiancé rung throughout the hallways of our small apartment.

  I smiled as I shook my head. It was so like Wesley to call for me the second he arrived at our newly shared home. He had always been slightly needy. Just one of the many reasons I loved him.

  "In the drawing room," I called back, not looking up from the files strewn across the old worn desk. It was constantly covered with something. There were slight stains from the ring of the bottom of my coffee cup, or where I had spilt a bottle of ink when I had tried to write as a career and had absolutely no talent for it. I loved the desk beyond compare and the stories it told.

  A knock on the door informed me of Wesley's arrival. A hand was laid on my shoulder, and he kissed the top of my deep brown hair.

  "Hello, love. So this is called the drawing room now, huh?" He gestured lightly to the box filled room around me. 

  I gave a snort and patted the old desk I was seated at. "Wherever this baby is, it's the drawing room."

  He chuckled, "Ah, I see."

  "I'm pretty sure that you're hungry aren't you?" I asked.

  He grinned guiltily. "And might I ask what gave that away?"

  "Nothing, you're just always hungry when you come back from work," I told him. "So what are we going to eat? You did bring stuff to eat right? Because you know that I don't cook," I reminded him.

  "How could I forget?" he scoffed.

  I stood up, turning to face him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, leaning a bit back and said, "So what are we having?"

  He laughed gently, kissing my nose. "Sushi. Your favorite."

  I squealed with glee, feeling like a school girl once again. No matter what Wesley did, he made my stomach flutter. He brought back feelings in me that had long since been buried when I started in the police force.

  "That's great," I told him as I tried to make my way to the kitchen, dragging him along with me.

  There was a sudden flash in the shadows down the hallway. I stopped moving, breaking into a cold sweat. My knees locked, and I found it hard to breathe. The flash took on a figure. I began to hyperventilate. My hand was still intertwined with Wesley's, but I felt separated from him, worlds away. The figure moved towards me, fast and snakelike, hissing. I watched in terror and-


  His voice brought me back, allowing me to turn from the horrifying image. I looked at him with wide eyes, my mouth still hanging open from shock.

  "What's wrong?" he asked. I shook my head rapidly.

  "Nothing, nothing at all." I looked back towards the shadows. There was nothing there and I decided to ignore what was obviously a trick of the mind.

  "You sure, honey?" He frowned.

  I looked into his hazel eyes, shook off my fear, and said sweetly, "Of course, sweetie. Now how about that sushi?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2016 ⏰

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