The Crush part 1

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( when they were kids ) Y/N: Hey Tanaka! Tanaka: Hey Y/N! Y/N: Yay we can finally play volleyball!! Tanaka: ok I wanna be server u can be spiker! Y/N: Ok that fine! Tanaka: so is it ok if I stay the night tonight? Y/N: sure u just gotta ask my mom and urs! Tanaka: ok be right back ( on the way to ask ) Tanaka: hey Mrs. Y/Ns mom is it ok if I stay the night? Mrs Y/Ns mom: uh sure if it's ok with ur mom! Tanaka: can I stay the night? Tanakas mom: ofc u can! ( heading back to Y/Ns room ) Tanaka: She said it was ok! Y/N: YAY!!!! TiMe TrAvEl

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