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Rishab continued driving while Prerana continued gazing at him with unadulterated pride of being his wife and life partner and her constant gaze on him was making Rishab uncomfortable and he cleared his throat which made her look at him in the eyes.

"What are you looking at Mrs. Bajaj? Is something on my face?" Rishab asked and Prerana shook her head.

"Nothing Mr. Bajaj, I was not looking at you, I'm having outside," Prerana replied shrugging her shoulders casually and he raised an eyebrow in question both knowing that she is lying.

"Then there is a window on your side to Mrs. Bajaj, and you can gaze that side as well," Rishab said and she looked at him.

"My eyes my wish, I will gaze from any side, anything or anyone," Prerana replied sassily and stuck her tongue out which surprised and shocked him at the same time as this is the first time Prerana is behaving casually and normally with him.

Meanwhile, they have reached Basu Bari, as Anurag is quite adamant about not returning the Bajaj mansion and its properties to Rishab as he is determined to snatch Prerana back but after today he is never going to get her as she realized her love and worth of her husband who put on the ruthlessness mask to the world.

Rishab and Prerana walked toward their room in Basu Bari and felt relief that there is no one in the hall and will be no new drama about it or anything else as both of them are quite exhausted with the day events and are not ready to face another situation if arises. Rishab made her sit on the bed and fetched a glass of water for her and she gulped them in a go not realizing how thirsty she was until now and all the time Prerana's gaze was constant on him and his actions and now he was getting annoyed at that and he couldn't stop himself and looked at her in the eye before questioning her.

"What did you think when you rushed to Basu Publications, in this condition, don't you have the sense to think what will happen to you or the baby?" Rishab said and she can hear calm anger hidden in his voice which made her feel calm and at peace from inside after a long time.

"Well, I wanted to have clarity about few things from the Basu family and Mr. Basu is the only one of whom I can think about to get them," Prerana said shrugging her shoulders and Rishab frowned at that.

"So, couldn't you wait until he is at home tonight? And what is it so important that you didn't care about anything else and are those questions important more than your and baby's health?" Rishab questioned.

"Those were not important if I did not know to whom they were related, asking him at home means losing the sense of peace and calm we get here very rarely and I do care about our baby but I wanted to do something so that I can close the doors of my past," Prerana replied but Rishab could not here past the words Our Baby he listened from her mouth and he looked at her in shock and she raised an eyebrow in question.

"I don't care, Mrs. Bajaj, you and baby are my responsibility, and responsibility means a lot to me, so from next time don't rush before you think, only fools do that," Rishab said and Prerana flinched at the word fool as he was right she was fool enough to rush Basu publications just to question Anurag without thinking about the life in her womb when her husband is responsible enough to think about her baby even without having any relation and she being a mother didn't.

"Am I and Baby are just your responsibility and nothing else to you or in your life?" Prerana questioned once again leaving Rishab shocked and stunned at her question.

"I don't know what you came to know or what you wanted to know that you rushed there and I don't care about it and I don't even know from where all this coming and I'm not in a mood to know as well as I will tell you and insist is that you should take care of yourself and the life that is growing inside you," Rishab said sternly getting fed up at her for evading the questions he is asking while Prerana looked at him with a single thought in her mind ---  How could I even misunderstand him, even now he is concerned about me and my-our baby, was the thought running in her mind...

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